Welcome to the 2024 Spirit Weavers Communal Village
We are blessed to live in these times where we are able to connect from across the globe and be encouraged and inspired by one another. Those attending Spirit Weavers hold these global connections as sacred and allow this deep valuing to move them into action. We who have chosen to travel from distances near and far to gather together arrive ready to drop our small identities and synchronize our spirits to live as a village, even if for just 5 days. A true village is a portrait and mirror of the community who dwells there. From our wellness center where trained clinical herbalists take turns treating our minor discomforts with small batches of crafted herbal medicines to our tea house where herbal teas are available throughout the gathering, to our empowerment center where licensed clinical psychologists and therapists stand by to offer processing for those in need. Spirit Weavers is committed to creating a supportive and brave container. Our village is a true co-creation, and its offerings are the fruits of the community giving of their time, gifts, and creativity to make spaces that engage, hold, soothe, delight, and nourish bodies, hearts, and spirits.