Welcome, and thank you for your interest in sharing your offerings at the upcoming Spirit Weavers Gathering. We are looking to curate a range of instructors and teachings that are in alignment with the vision of the Gathering.
If you have knowledge, specific skills, and wisdom that you are passionate about sharing, we invite you to bring your offering to our community.
We are gathering together to share our skills and wisdom with other women in hopes of empowering and inspiring one another. These skills are ones that may have changed our lives, and are not ours to hold onto, but learned to giveaway. May these teachings and offerings create a ripple effect of empowerment and growth for all.
We are looking for earth based skills and offerings. The classes we select represent skills that may be missing from a modern woman’s education and life experience, but in cultures of the past, represented basic human skills for ensuring the survival of the body and the soul. Fermenting foods, weaving and dying fabrics, singing songs together as a community, the making of plant medicines, these were common knowledge and part of the simple pleasures of a life lived in beauty and balance. You may, through the generosity of the teachings you share, connect someone with a new skill that becomes a lifelong passion. Our joy comes from helping others find their path.
You have demonstrated your amazing teaching gifts and the value of your offerings. You will be asked to teach 12 hours (4 class slots) during the gathering, and will receive a travel stipend ($75.00-$200.00 per session), all meals, and our deep gratitude! Full time positions are generally given to returning Instructors only.
You have demonstrated your amazing teaching gifts and the value of your offerings. You will be asked to teach 6 hours (2 class slots) during the gathering, and receive all meals, entry to all other classes, and our deep gratitude! We ask that chosen part time teachers pay a half price ticket of $333.00 due by Jan 15th 2025. Part time instructors do not receive a travel stipend. This position allows you to teach and also take part in many of the classes and activities throughout the gathering. Part Time instructor positions are given to first time instructors as well as returning instructors.
Please note: As an instructor, you may choose to require a materials fee for your class.
- Classes that are Donation Based help facilitate accessibility so participants can choose to pay what they can. This is what we recommend as much as possible. (notaflof= no one turned away for lack of funds)
- Classes and workshops that are more discussion based (without physical materials) are usually free for participants.
- Classes that are craft-based may ask for a materials fee specifically to reimburse the amount paid for materials for the craft you’re teaching. Fees for these classes range anywhere from $10-$75 depending on the craft.
Because of this, instructors are usually able to acquire some funding from their workshops. For example, if your craft-based class can accommodate 15 people at $20 per person, and you teach four times, you can make $1,200 in addition to your travel stipend. As a part time teacher teaching a craft based class, you can make anywhere from $300-$1000 from your class.
Instructors are responsible for collecting their own class fees at the Gathering and we encourage pricing to be set at a fair and accessible rate as much as possible.
We understand that everyone has their own unique story and song and we wish that they all could be shared in our short time together. We have just 75 positions to fill and usually receive hundreds of applications. Often times, we receive multiple applications for the same or similar class. We do our best to choose the instructor whose classes are most in alignment with the SW vision. Thank you for taking the time to apply and offer your teachings.
Applications are now closed.