
Angelica Tonatzin is a Yoga Teacher, Birth Doula, Healer, & Community Herbalist. She loves facilitating and gathering our beautiful heart tribe to tune into the various ways we can facilitate and anchor our own personal healing particularly through mind and body movement. Angelica's signature signature "Sacred Movement Temple" sessions are a guided blend of yoga, energy healing techniques, trance dance, intuitive ritual movement and meditation. These spaces are ceremony. We begin with intention setting and prayer and honoring of the ancestors of the land and our own beloved ancestors. Our movement and breath are our offerings. This is a sacred and potent time to realign our energy to a space of peace, healing, inspiration and create a deeper connection to our ancestors....

Vessel :: A hollow container used for holding liquids or other contents; a person into whom some quality is infused or received. A vessel is not just something waiting to be filled defined by its negative space, but rather a conduit for energy or transportation. Vessels carry important fluids throughout our bodies, giving us life force. As humans we are vessels, taking in the world through our senses both seen and unseen with the ability to channel ideas, create, and express. Caitlin is a vessel maker and lover of earth-based crafts. After receiving her BFA in Ceramics from MICA in 2012, she left the east coast to pursue the vastness of the Mojave Desert, an education in natural building, and a career in production pottery. Her discovery...

Carly Jo Morgan is an artist from Topanga Canyon who devotes herself to creating work that inspires connection and love. By experimenting with breath and sound, she designs journeys that help people connect with their personal intrinsic healing instinct and get to know their shadow. Only when we stop avoiding our shadow can it reveal its magic.   Carly Jo Morgan will be sharing Transformational Breathwork.  ...

jennette nielsen, born and raised in the pacific northwest, is a ritualist, animist, and embodied folkloric wild woman. she is a honey-drenched woodland witch, orphan wisdom school scholar, community centered herbalist, and bee priestess, studying & reclaiming the vibrant & vital gynocentric/yonic/pythonic ancient european shamanism of her beloved ancestors, who most recently were settler-colonialists to the midwest from the Scandinavian and Western Europe diaspora. as a mother raising two sons, jennette has long studied earth-based ancestral skills alongside her boys and enjoys botanical dyeing cloth and paper, singing, basket weaving, yoga and dance, leather work, hand sewing, herb craft, gardening, and pottery. jennette has been covening with women for years and not only hosts full/new moon circles, blessingways, and anchors the thresholds of birth, death and divorce...

The Kosmic Kitchen was born out of a friendship. We met while sowing the seeds for a community garden. It was there we discovered herbalism, and the plants' incredible capacity to heal. We brought home an abundance of herbs and discovered new (and old) ways to incorporate them into our everyday. We started to see our kitchen as a sanctuary. A place to nourish, heal, and make magic. After being introduced to the world of plants, we set out on journeys to deepen this connection. Together we studied permaculture at The Regenerative Design Institute in Bolinas, California in 2011 and Herbalism at The Florida School of Holistic Living in Orlando, Florida in 2012. Summer then ventured to Vermont to apprentice with renowned herbalist Rosemary Gladstar, which...

My name is Marike, and I am honored to be part of this beautiful gathering. I am from the Netherlands. I have travelled an interesting and curvy path in my life, from growing up in a small town near the sea to living in an Aboriginal community In the tropical rainforest in North Queensland in Australia. From being a university lecturer to working on my heartsproject on spreading awareness, kindness and empathy in the world. Once I gave up my expectations of what life should be like and what I should be like, I found that there is so much that I love to do. I regularly hold circles for women and girls about the divine feminine. And my heart sings with joy when I work...

Singing is our birthright. I, like so many others, grew up believing that my voice wasn’t good enough. I carried this belief for most of my life, casting seeds of self-doubt and insecurity. It was through Community Singing that I found the medicine needed to reclaim my voice and vibrancy. Today, I use song as a tool for building community, for restoring our sense of connection in the world. This ancient practice is truly a technology of belonging. I see it’s profound impact on the lives of my community when we come together to make beautiful and meaningful sound. As a Song Weaver and Community Songleader, I find so much purpose and joy in creating inclusive, diverse, inter-generational gatherings of people singing together. In my hometown...

Reina Prado, founder of Healing Queen, is a Xicana feminista that brings a bi-lingual and bi-cultural approach to the sessions and workshops she leads. She is certified as an ICSU (Integrative Cranial Sacral Unwinding) and RPP (Registered Polarity) Practitioner through the Life Energy Institute. Through a combination of modalities, the session helps a client re-align to their heart space sourcing their wellness of being. Prado also developed a hybrid offering that she named the love limpias. The Love Limpia helps clear out emotional and / or physical blocks about love. This could look like or feel like limiting beliefs about deserving love, or releasing energetic ties to an ex. Through the Love Limpia, one may experience an expansion of their heartspace that welcomes love and radiates...

Shelley Phillips (folk flutes/oboe/English horn/Irish harp) is much in demand as studio and pick-up musician for the professional folk and baroque crowd, and has toured the world. She and her husband Barry have collaborated with Rumi translator and poet Coleman Barks, making two albums of poetry and music: The Rose and Five Things to Say. Shelley has appeared on over 20 recordings on the Gourd music label, including 4 solo albums. https://gourd.com/phillipssNEW.html Shelley has a Masters of Music degree from the San Francisco Conservatory, and continued her education on sabbatical in 2006 studying shenai with Sanjeev Shankar in India, willow flute with Jean-Pierre Yvert in Wales, and pipe making with Shirley Drake in England, as well as special classes in the Netherlands and Ireland. She continues...