Wildlife Tracking

Wildlife Tracking

Come explore, wander, and learn to read stories written on this landscape by our animal neighbors. During these half day classes we will learn the fundamentals of wildlife tracking, pattern literacy, sensory awareness, and how these skills intersect with land tending and regenerative wild practices. As we delve deeply into the historical ecology and current natural history of this place, we will see how land, water and weather influence and inform animal behavior and the tracks they leave behind.
Though all classes are designed for experienced and beginner skill sets, each class will build on prior classes as our story of place becomes richer and more nuanced. Classes are designed so that students leave Spirit Weavers with skills they can apply in their own homes and neighborhoods. Specific practices may include track and sign ID, track plates, basic ecology, understanding of plant and animal interaction, bird language, unravelling how animals move and what their gaits tell us, animal and plant medicine, and how to listen so we can re-enter the conversations of the non-human world.

Wildlife Tracking will be shared by Meghan Walla-Murphy.