
Singing & weaving are such ancient and simple medicines...

  The Wild Rebirth of Living Language introduces a framework for re-imagining our world through the power of our words. Through mindfulness and embodiment practices, writing exercises, nuanced discussions, and grounded ritual we will examine the ways structural domination, oppression, and dichotomy are woven into our identities and relationships. We will cultivate more honest self-knowing, generous empowerment, intentional betrayal of false belonging, and collective liberation, as we practice towards a grammar of healing and interconnectedness. Part etymological geekery, part compassionate inquiry, part liberatory anti-establishment dreamscaping, part co-created emergent ritual, this class is a cauldron of transfiguration guided by wonder. Can we turn a weapon of destruction into a tool of co-creation? Niema Lightseed will be teaching The Wild Rebirth of Living Language...

This class will focus on 3 main areas of technical wilderness skills: navigation, shelters, and first aid. It will be a collaborative space where our community can learn skills that allow us to explore wild spaces and bring us closer to our ancestors and earth relations. Some of the main skills include how to read a topographical map, orient with a compass, and chart a course. The class will also cover how to build shelters using technical knots, as well as the basics of wilderness first aid to ensure safe passage. We have received years of mentorship and training through guiding in places like the Idaho Panhandle, the Olympic Peninsula, the San Juan Islands, and throughout the Cascade Mountains. We share skills in backpacking, and have varied...

Come explore, wander, and learn to read stories written on this landscape by our animal neighbors. During these half day classes we will learn the fundamentals of wildlife tracking, pattern literacy, sensory awareness, and how these skills intersect with land tending and regenerative wild practices. As we delve deeply into the historical ecology and current natural history of this place, we will see how land, water and weather influence and inform animal behavior and the tracks they leave behind. Though all classes are designed for experienced and beginner skill sets, each class will build on prior classes as our story of place becomes richer and more nuanced. Classes are designed so that students leave Spirit Weavers with skills they can apply in their own homes and...

  felting is one of the oldest forms of textile creation, used among many cultures for clothing, shelter, bedding, saddles, even armor. in this class we will process raw wool to prepare it for wet felting where water, soap, and friction meet the wool to form an sturdy and beautiful material. students will leave with a small finished pouch at the end of the class. Maya Beth and Claire Lagrange will be teaching wet felted vessels...

  Alix is an Energy Healer and Artist who finds center by making things with her hands. She cultivates a peaceful flow and connects to her ancestors by crafting beautiful, wearable, jewelry pieces. She believes feeling safe and stable is the fertile soil from which we can grow into the most potent version of ourselves. She encourages you to keep shining. Alix will be sharing  Bead Weaving Earrings...

  Alix is an Energy Healer and Artist who finds center by making things with her hands. She cultivates a peaceful flow and connects to her ancestors by crafting beautiful, wearable, jewelry pieces. She believes feeling safe and stable is the fertile soil from which we can grow into the most potent version of ourselves. She encourages you to keep shining. Alix will be sharing  Bead Weaving Earrings...

Blessing The Way is a Mother Blessing Ceremony, A journey of honoring and reverence towards expectant mothers via ritual, prayer, offerings, song and personal inquiry. It is a beautiful celebration of the Holy Path Of Motherhood. All are welcome! Especially expectant mothers, women dreaming of families of their own, and anyone who feels called to offer this type of ceremony in their community. Blessing the Way will be shared by Mimilia Suray....

Sun worshiper, ocean dweller, and mountain climber, I have always been sustained by nature. Nature calls us to understand that all abundant life feeds on the versions of itself that have died before it. I retreat to the backcountry as often as possible to relearn and remember this, over and over. I am a Wilderness First Responder working towards becoming a counsellor in outdoor behavioral healthcare. My calling is to inspire each individual in my path to see past the veil of reality, and the extent to which we are active agents of its construction. I have been connected to the unseen and unconscious for as long as I can remember, and am fascinated by the interactions between self and other. I believe in my...

Amara teaches connection and respect for the natural world in all of her pursuits. For the last 13 years she has immersed herself in earth-based wisdom traditions from North and South America, undergoing rites of passage, sitting in ceremonies, and studying with wisdom keepers. Her heart has been the guiding force in creating a life that is authentic to her unique spirit. During her journey, Amara has absorbed medicine songs from various traditions and languages, including English, Spanish, Quechua, Portuguese, Sanskrit and more. Spirit has also blessed her with the gift of receiving medicine songs during the in the dream realms and in ceremony. Her songs come out in many areas of her life including nature classes for kids, community classes, ceremonies, healing sessions, and...