In this class you will be learning the art of crafting coal-burned spoons while honing essential knife safety skills. This is an ancestral skill you can use to shape functional and beautiful utensils using time-honored methods. Simultaneously, acquire crucial knife safety skills, ensuring confidence and precision in your craft. From proper grip techniques to understanding blade angles, this class prioritizes a safe and supportive environment, empowering participants to create beautiful, functional spoons while fostering a keen awareness of knife safety practices. Embark on a creative journey that blends artistry with safety, leaving you with both a beautiful handmade spoon and newfound skills to carry into future projects. Please provide your own knife for this class. I will be bringing a few for purchase if needed. Coal...

    Singing is all about listening to the relationships seen and unseen around us all the time. In this workshop we will explore how to use the dreamtime to bring your own unique songs into the world. We will explore our relationship to songs and dreams through mini constellations. We will use constellation and dreamwork to connect to the ancestors we have that were song carriers. We will use the waking dream to listen to the songs coming through. And each person will leave with a dream practice they can take home to continue the connection between dreaming and singing. No singing, dreaming, or constellation experience is required. Constellation is a somatic group healing modality that allows us to look at systems at the energetic and soul...

Humans have been making cordage for at least fifty thousand years. It has helped us to shape our world and to thrive in it. We twist fibers to create strength, length and beauty. It is indigenous to all cultures; as is the impulse to adorn ourselves. The process is simple and repetitive in a way that leaves room for conversation, laughter, and contemplation. What becomes available when physically exploring the metaphors of adornment and transformation with our hands? This is an opportunity to reflect, connect, share as our hands find the rhythm while making a necklace adornment. We will use worn fabrics to learn this ancient technique and create beauty from that which would otherwise be discarded. Folks will come away with an understanding of how to...

Fire is the life force of us all :: the Sun we revolve around, the hearth at the center of our homes, the lava core of our Earth, and the energy feeding all life on this planet. This being transforms and catalyzes life, story, and ritual. They are a profound spiritual teacher and source for endless lessons and growth. In this class you will learn how to build and sustain a fire from the landscape :: gathering wood, building a fire structure, and practicing both the bow drill and hand drill methods of friction fire. Through patient courtship and curiosity, we can call on the solar energy stored in our bodies and the bones of plant beings to create a flame and deepen our connection to...

Our voices and songs are deeply personal— and it is with good reason many of us have learned to hold them close. Still, many of us long for the freedom to share with ease— to let our songs and voices breath and grow. The limiting beliefs that have taught us to hide, live in our bodies. In this workshop, we will utilize practices inspired by somatic healing modalities such as Hakomi and IFS— to explore the body and our voices. We will work with our own internal barriers and beliefs to develop greater awareness, courage and freedom. Open to all regardless of self-identification as a musician, songwriter or artist. This work can be applied to any form of expressive freedom. Please note the workshop is focused on active...

What about the space in between the mother and the crone, the space in between a woman's reproductive years and post menopause? Dancing The In Between Womb Circle invites women to gather in a safe, facilitated container, to share, learn, grow, be inspired, empowered, honored and celebrated through the dance of perimenopause. “Dancing the in between” speaks to the journey women move through for approximately 4-10 years often beginning in our mid-40’s and moving through to our mid-50’s (age range varies, sometimes beginning earlier or ending later). “Dancing the in between” speaks to the space in between, when a woman is no longer reproductive/ child bearing and not quite an elder. “Dancing the in between” speaks to this period called perimenopause and the journey transitioning to postmenopause....

    Join Gina Rose in the Dreaming Den to learn about ways to enhance your dream practice. You'll learn my favorite rituals that bring more vibrancy into the dreamtime, what plants to embrace to help with memory, lucid dreaming, spirit communing in the dreamtime, and how I worked with and through a lot of fear using my personal dream practice. Gina Rose is part of the Dreaming Den and will be offering Dreaming Rituals, Plants & Fears as well as Intuitive Floral Design, and Rose Spirit Spa....

  Building and crafting alongside the earth has graced civilizations worldwide for centuries. I strive not only to revive ancestral techniques and materials to create dwellings and artistry, but also to reclame our collective creativity, envisioning a world thriving on ecological practices and rich in community bonds. Hands and feet in the mud, this is a practical and playful skill share, reminding us of the abundant gifts of the earth and our reconnection with the land. Through the alchemy of earthen building and artistry, we will craft with our bare hands, a beautiful and unique art installation embodying the essence of the Spirit Weavers Gathering. Paulina will be sharing Earthen Building + Artistry...

  During this grounding workshop
You’ll have the opportunity to explore Ancestral techniques of shaping clay into functional or decorative pieces These techniques will guide you in a step by step process
where your creativity can flow. Let’s explore with clay this wonderful timeless art Let’s celebrate and honor ancient traditions. The workshop offers a firing at the end of the gathering. In this wonderful ceremony you’ll be able to witness the amazing transformation of clay into ceramics. The ceremony will be shared with all participants and will be co-guided with Hosanna White. You’ll leave the gathering with your own handcrafted ceramic piece steeped in the essence of ancestral craft.

 "Embracing the art of ancestral ceramics". will be shred by Morena Paz....

  Essences are infused vibrational waters that can create subtle, but very distinct, shifts in consciousness, enabling us to meet the moment in new ways. Come learn some of the less-often-heard aspects of making essences~ of plants, trees, rocks, planets, journeys, and more! We’ll also experience and explore the ways that dosing with essences can support our bodies and beings in adjusting to and engaging with the shifting energies of these times. Prepare to be dosed! Essence Making & Taking will be taught by Stargazer Li....