Once you learn to open your awareness to it, there are five types of vocalizations used by most song birds. This can tell you about what is happening in the landscape around you, far beyond what your eyes can see. This is a skill that all of our ancestors knew well, as a way to detect approaching threats. With time you can learn to recognize what animals are are around by the way the birds react. In general this is an amazing avenue for building awareness and connection with the more than human world. Sofia will be sharing about Bird Language and Pine Needle Baskets....

This class is designed for those who feel ready to open more fully to the natural beauty and power of their singing voices, (and who may feel some fear around being seen and heard in this sometimes vulnerable birthing process). This circle is a safe space to gently coax your voice out of hiding and experience sound moving through your body in new and life-giving ways. Through guided toning/visualization practices, playful improvisation, and simple harmony songs, you will come into contact with the pleasure and freedom of your own voice.   Birthing Your Wild Voice will be shared by Hanna Leigh ...

Blood sugar balance is a foundational process regulated by the hormonal system, and is a result of what, how, and when we eat. The hormonal system helps to maintain homeostasis in the body, and is always striving for this balance. When out of balance, inflammation takes root, which leads to dis-ease. When we approach hormone balance with blood sugar in mind, we can create a strong foundation for optimal health. Today we are facing an epidemic of blood sugar dis-regulation showing up in most chronic inflammatory diseases, including diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and alzheimers. Understanding the foundations of how our hormonal system works, is essential to changing the collective path we are on today. We’ll take a deep dive into the hormonal system as a whole, with particular...

Techniques and practices that directly affect the now, shift reality, and can be incorporated instantly and self regulate balance. Whether you're scraping a hide and require endurance and energy or feeling disoriented in the forest and need to calm and ground to make resourceful choices or you’re experiencing triggers and need to regulate and release. This class will stimulate your breath connection seamlessly, expand accessibility and discuss this vital multi-tool of breath we can choose to hone. Discover how to connect breath awareness with regulating your nervous system as you traverse your inner terrain of reactions and responses to your environments and the projections in life. Collectively we will integrate to inform and infuse the methods and practices to continue incorporating them into daily practice. The breath is an...

A Cacao Ceremony is an experience of cultivating the connection to the heart and the essence of IxCacao, the Cacao Mother Goddess. We will share a cup of Cacao Medicine to open the heart and discover / connect to the joy and beauty of Mother Earth. Look forward to song, a guided meditation and energy cleanse to allow the Heart energy to flow and blossom.   Cacao Ceremony will be held by Josie Castaneda...

We start with bowl tea to connect us first to nature and the spirit of this practice. We start with bowl Tea to bring our awareness from the head to the heart. We start with bowl Tea so we can learn to listen. We start here because it is simple… Just leaves, hot water, and a bowl. In this workshop we will talk about some of the philosophical and practical aspects of Bowl tea, including what differentiates, it from other ceremonies, the importance of ritual, how to hold the bowl, and simple techniques on serving bowl tea. Bowl Tea will be shared by Baelyn Elspeth...

    In this hands on cheesemaking class, we will make fresh mozzarella, ricotta and burrata from local, organic cow's milk. We will also talk about the basic art and science of how milk is turned into cheese. Each student will have finished cheese to take with them as well as handouts to replicate the process at home. This class is a lot of fun and we will make some delicious cheese! Cheesemaking: fresh mozzarella, burrata & ricotta will be taught by Aiyah Geier....

Windsong Martin is a singer, songwriter and women’s ceremonial guide from Southern Oregon with a passion for singing with others. She has been participating in women’s ceremonial circles for 40 years. She has written and gathered a wealth of songs written for Women’s ceremony. Windsong has completed a new book, “Reviving Sacred Woman” focused on this theme, which will include songs, rituals and wonderful photos. This will be available at her class. In this workshop Windsong will guide you thru a selection of chants and songs specific to the phases of a woman’s life, including Birth songs, Coming of Age, Women’s Empowerment and honoring Elder songs. The circle will include ceremonial formats, and will be a singing journey into your own voice, blending in harmony with others....

As human beings, in today’s modern world, we can’t loose sight that we are animals. The more we live our lives with the elements in mind, tuning into the rhythms of light and dark, adjusting to the seasons, connecting to nature, and creating habits that bring the body into balance, the more we can lower inflammation and create a life that includes health and vitality. Circadian habits are the habits of our ancestors and can be incorporated in our modern day lives. How and when we move, eat, sleep, breathe, and live all make up the whole of who we are and how well our body and spirit can function. We’ll dive into ancestral habits that are aligned with our biochemistry and hormonal system. The more we can...

  What would you create if you were truly uninhibited in your process? Tapping into the infinite wellspring of creation means facing the repressive tones and imprints we carry about what it means to create and how we relate to creation and ourselves as creators. These become obstructions that our life force has to move through in order to express itself, which dilutes the potency of what is being birthed through us. It also causes us to reach too far outside of ourselves for inspiration, and our expression becomes an imitation of what already is instead of what is authentically ours. Together we will move through our inhibitions and rekindle the eternal flame of creation from within, while learning how to hold safe space for our fire to...