The literature boasts that IUDs are "the safest and most effective form of birth control"; yet, in almost every conversation where the subject is brought up there are stories of other women's negative and often life altering or threatening experiences…. many of them dating back 35+ years. It seems that a large number of people have been affected by these devices in one way or another. Since experiencing a severe health crisis caused by a copper Paragard IUD nine years ago, Tamara has been in contact with hundreds of thousands of other women suffering from similar clusters of problems who are also undergoing the same challenges of figuring out how to detoxify & support our bodies to get back into balance following this poisoning. Due to...

Make a net bag for your water bottle using tools made from oak shoots & redwood. These bags are light and versatile and make it easy to carry your water bottle with you wherever you go. The same knot used can also be applied to larger projects like carrying nets, fishing nets, etc…. Either rent tools or buy them to take home.   Knotted Net Water Bottle Bags will be shared by Tamara Wilder ...

Join me in a heartfelt ceremony. Altars, ancient portals to anchor our prayers/intentions, serve as bridges between us, our council, and our heart's path. In this ceremony, we will explore the profound art of weaving and tending to an altar—an extension of our very being. Guided by the loving presence of elemental companions, we will delve into the transformative power of intention and embodied presence. What You Will Learn: The essence and significance of an altar. How to weave an altar as a reflection of your heart. Techniques for establishing and nurturing a connection with your ancestors and inner council. The sacred practice of tending to your altar with reverence. The art of gracefully closing your altar, completing the cycle of intention. Experience: Our time together will be a soul-nurturing journey, offering a glimpse...

A Multi-generational Mending Circle led by mother and daughter Laura and Phoebe Whipple. Phoebe and I prefer to source second-hand, and thrifted clothes as much as possible, and also make our own garments and accessories. We both know that fashion can be a source of creative inspiration, but as a global industry, it's also a huge source of pollution and waste. As big believers in extending the life of our existing clothing and home goods, we’ll encourage participants to bring their old clothes or other fabric / fiber based items that need a little love to sustain their usefulness. We can take 12 students, and there will not be a materials fee. We’ll supply a variety of thread, needles, yarn, embroidery floss, fabric and mending inspirations. If...

From Motherhood to Menopause: Using Dreamwork to Vision Through Life Transitions. This is a 2 part-class, designed for individual participation or a deeper exploration if taken over two days, we’ll weave the power of Dreamwork into the transition from motherhood to menopause. Together, we will discover the power within this life stage as we explore the societal and self-rejections during perimenopause. Each participant will uncover how, amid the 'hot flashes' of change, women burn away impurities, standing firm for what truly matters. What was once tolerated becomes intolerable, and we emerge with a newfound strength and empowerment. Dreamwork will be the guide in this process. Participants will learn to unravel the messages our dreams hold, providing insights into the next steps of this transformative journey. By connecting dream...

In this class we will share in the Yerbera Tradition of Curandersimo. Yerbas (herbs) are the resource, medium, and power, of a Yerbera Curandera. We use them for both physical and vibrational wellness. In this class we will cover the basics of Medicine Making for self healing and Limpias, vibrational cleanses. This is an experiential class where you will learn about herbs and how to use them for making four botanical medicines for physical alignment AND have the opportunity to blend your own Baño, vibrational basin bath, the core Limpia of Curanderismo. Class includes all materials, ritual baño kit, and Curanderismo Codex Booklet. Josie will be sharing Modern Curanderismo - Medicine Making & Limpias. Modern Curanderismo - Medicine Making & Limpias will be offered by Josie...

  Money Conversations with a Bankruptcy Law Professor Drawing on 20 years as a law professor focused on finance and debt, this workshop will help participants examine their beliefs and experiences around money. My own decisions about my area of legal practice and research interests were driven by my early financial experiences. Examining these experiences alongside my research interests has led me on a journey of self-discovery that I would like to share. This workshop draws on my deep expertise in financial law and many years spent unpacking the stories behind people’s financial troubles to offer an approachable guide to re-examining our relationship with money. This is not a financial literacy workshop, but you will come away with important practical tools and resources. Together we will: - [ ] Unpack...

Matrescence is a term used to define the physical, emotional, hormonal, and social shift to being a mother. From the changing territory of hormones to the incredible changes in brain physiology to the shifts in our bodies and perceptions and realities, there is a very real and very misunderstood terrain that we, as mothers, enter into as we become pregnant and that exist regardless of whether our babies make it earthside or not. Motherhood is one of the most profound rites of passage and portals of transformation that exists, yet very few of us have the tools, community, or support to truly explore what this really means for each of us individually, and to be honored, within and without, for the new woman and archetypal reality...

Learn the process of creating lard dish blocks—a cherished tradition that seamlessly blends functionality with aesthetics. Delve into the history and significance of transforming lard into a versatile kitchen essential. In a time that most people use soaps full of ingredients not meant for our waterways - this process involves 3 natural ingredients. Each participant leaves the class not just with a beautifully crafted dish block but with a tangible piece of culinary history for their modern kitchen. Amanda Rickenbach will be sharing Natural Dish Soap Blocks and Beeswax Candle Making....

  This workshop is an invitation to learn the basics of plant dye alchemy. Plant dyeing is the oldest way of capturing color on textiles and is used amoung many different cultures. In this class you'll be able to witness the alchemical beauty of tranforming undyed fibers into living color pieces. We'll be experimenting with extracted dye from plants, modifiers and/or eco printing on organic fibers. You'll be guided through the foundations of natural dye in a step by step process that can support your journey of walking in color and giving new life to the threads that hold you. You'll leave the gathering with your own specially hand dyed piece; steeped in plant extracts, barks, tannins, flowers, leaves and the essence of Spirit Weavers 2024. Lily Chau will...