During this grounding workshop
You’ll have the opportunity to explore Ancestral techniques of shaping clay into functional or decorative pieces These techniques will guide you in a step by step process
where your creativity can flow. Let’s explore with clay this wonderful timeless art Let’s celebrate and honor ancient traditions. The workshop offers a firing at the end of the gathering. In this wonderful ceremony you’ll be able to witness the amazing transformation of clay into ceramics. The ceremony will be shared with all participants and will be co-guided with Hosanna White. You’ll leave the gathering with your own handcrafted ceramic piece steeped in the essence of ancestral craft.

 "Embracing the art of ancestral ceramics". will be shred by Morena Paz....

  Essences are infused vibrational waters that can create subtle, but very distinct, shifts in consciousness, enabling us to meet the moment in new ways. Come learn some of the less-often-heard aspects of making essences~ of plants, trees, rocks, planets, journeys, and more! We’ll also experience and explore the ways that dosing with essences can support our bodies and beings in adjusting to and engaging with the shifting energies of these times. Prepare to be dosed! Essence Making & Taking will be taught by Stargazer Li....

  Learn how to make your own plant-based medicine. We’ll explore a variety of herbal preparations that you can make in your kitchen using simple techniques. We will go through a step by step process to make tinctures, infusions, decoctions, syrups and oils. We'll also go over some ideas to incorporate medicinal herbs into our everyday kitchen recipes. Bring note taking supplies. Free or a $10 donation for 24 folks to make a product during the workshop to take home. Folk Medicine Making will be shared by Elise Higley....

Cold Exposure and Breathwork can be utilized as hormetic stressors to enhance immune system agility, stimulate healing and enhance overall wellbeing. Discuss the ancestral and ancient ways of this practice, the scientific phenomenon, and the many methods with mechanics and safety protocols. We will then explore the breath with a guided session of conscious breathing to incorporate all aspects of the practice. This will prepare the mind, body, and spirit for breathing through challenges, chosen and unchosen, seen and unseen. The chosen stressor created with the breath will reduce the reactivity to daily stressors. Reactivity to stressors directly affects our wellbeing from the inside out! Bring away from this class the tools and experience to develop a self-practice and the motivation to maintain frequency that greatly dissolves harmful...

Fungi are our sacred ancestors. They are foundational to a resilient planet, body, and community. Fungi illuminate our undeniable connectivity, our dance between life and death, help see the unseen, and exist more as a verb or flow than a stasis or conclusion. In many traditions around the world womyn are the ones who keep the mushroom knowledge. At the same time, in modern American culture, fungi have been dangerously neglected, misunderstood, vilified, condemned and deemed as nothing more than harmful pests. How do we, as womyn, honor and steward fungi in the body, kitchen, and land? How can we partner with fungi to nourish our families and communities? To engage healing and transformation in our own lives? How do we safely forage, process mushrooms for...

Healing Insecurity: A Journey in Plant Spirit Medicine Work with your ancestral medicine to build confidence from within. Deepen your relationship with plant magic. Access your spirit guides. Due to the practicalities of living under capitalism within a dominant culture that continues to practice oppressive systems of colonialism, it’s not a surprise that many of us feel inadequacy and doubt, or that we’re not enough, or generally uncomfortable in our own skin. Dive deep into the magical ways you can work with your plant allies in order to access your personal power and gifts. This workshop includes: • Journaling prompts oriented towards getting clear with the emotional/spiritual roots of your insecurity • Contextualization of insecurity within a social justice lens, to better understand how systems of oppression impact our well-being • An...

  We are emerging out of thousands of years of a different sense of ourselves as women, and with this comes a need to reconnect to the roots of who we are. By attending to, nurturing, and healing the broken matriarchal lineages, we are able to feel our full sovereignty and dignity. Now, we can stand alongside the strong and loving women on our line. With joy and solidarity, we will gather in circle, as ancient as a circle of women has been and is. We will face and name our fears of standing in our fullness. We will bless our Mothers before us to be, and to hold what is theirs and then we will go to the river and celebrate our new sense of being...

  The focus of this class is to learn about herbal allies and holistic supports for Motherhood from fertility and preconception to pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. We will discuss nourishing practices for our mind, body, and spirit through diet, exercise, meditation, etc.. as well as sacred rituals to truly honor the Mother and her transition through this holy time. Overall, the class is about holistically supporting women and the ones yet to come with plant medicines and rituals that are rooted in the knowledge of our biological and physiological needs. Amber Young will be sharing Herbal & Holistic Supports Through the Birthing Year....

  We live in a world where some level of stress or imbalance is unavoidable. Herbalism can aid us in living a more balanced and fortified life. In this class we will identify the different ways herbs can affect our nervous system and help us to regulate and tone those parts that may be out of balance. I will help you to understand the vibrant personalities of these plants so you can find the ones that will best match your needs and lifestyle. We will discuss how to work with these allies both in our daily lives and for acute situations. I love to create an environment where we are all teaching each other and building the class together. If you’re wondering if this class would be...

In the words of Robin Wall Kimmerer, “In some Native languages the term for plants translates to “those who take care of us.” This herb walk is a plant identification walk where we will get to know our local plants and their medicinal properties, but also how to tend to the native plants and wild land to avoid creating any disturbances in our ecosystems. We will learn about reciprocity and what it means to take care of the land and each other. Bring a notepad and pen! Herb walk will be offered by Andrea Jimenez....