The Cutting Away Ceremony is a ceremony offered by Sweet Medicine Nation that helps people gain new perspectives and insight to move forward in their lives. The ceremony can be done individually or in a group, and can help people release something from the past or overcome a situation that's holding them back. Cutting Away ceremony comes from an indigenous ritual which she uses in her ceremonies today.   People who have experienced this ceremony have been able to cut away: old resentments, hurt, grudges, regrets, suffering, and focus on what is more significant to us. It's time to cutaway the old decades in this special and powerfully affirming cord cutting practice    We will all join together in releasing the cords we have been tethered too. ...

Creative Process Mapping: Cultivating Creative Discipline from an Embodied Place In this workshop, we will explore how to nurture creative devotion and discipline through the wisdom of the body and the cauldron of our bellies. Drawing on principles from Chi Nei Tsang and somatic practices, we’ll connect with the seat of our creativity—our core—and discover how embodied awareness and mindful action can sustain a creative vision. Through guided reflection, journaling, and creative expression, participants will map the terrain of their unique creative process, cultivating devotion, discipline, and follow-through. Somatic techniques will help release blocks, build trust in the creative flow, and reconnect with the natural rhythms of the body. This approach honors the understanding that creativity is not only of the mind—it flows through the entire being and...

What about the space in between the mother and the crone, the space in between a woman’s reproductive years and post menopause? Dancing The In Between Womb Circle invites women to gather in a safe, facilitated container, to share, learn, grow, be inspired, empowered, honored and celebrated through the dance of perimenopause. “Dancing the in between” speaks to the journey women move through for approximately 4-10 years often beginning in our mid-40’s and moving through to our mid-50’s (age range varies, sometimes beginning earlier or ending later). “Dancing the in between” speaks to the space in between, when a woman is no longer reproductive/ child bearing and not quite an elder. “Dancing the in between” speaks to this period called perimenopause and the journey transitioning to postmenopause....

  A gathering to share our experiences and feelings about death, explore our questions about death and how to become more comfortable with the idea of our own death. We will talk about how to prepare spiritually, psychologically, and materially for death. We will talk about how to prepare ourselves and our families and how to support our elders in preparing for death. I will share my experiences as a hospice social worker about hospice care, body disposition options, ethical wills, and different cultural traditions surrounding death.   Death Cafe will be held by Judith Brager....

Earth & Echo: Vinyasa + Sound Healing A class for all levels and all bodies, where everyone is invited to connect, move, and heal. In this multi-sensory experience, you’ll flow through mindful vinyasa sequences that stretch and strengthen the body, while sound healing vibrations guide you into deeper relaxation and awareness. Release tension, move energy, and awaken the power of your own presence, all within the soothing embrace of nature. The class concludes with calming sound healing to recalibrate your chakras and harmonize the mind-body connection. Whether you're a seasoned yogi or a beginner, come as you are—this is a space for everybody <3.   Earth & Echo: Vinyasa + Sound Healing will be shared by Melissa Salcedo Richards....

In this class, we will remember how our prehistoric ancestors made beautiful art in co-creation with the land. Since the beginning of time, we have respectfully collected crumbs of earth's pigments and charred twigs to make paint. With deep reverence, we will do so again on sacred Cederbloom land. Be guided to shift your creativity from your mind to a playful and grateful place and make beauty with and in honor of Earth. A nourishing learning space for pigment paint- and ink-making in the woods where you find and grind rocks collected from many places, and make fine ink from charcoaled vine twigs. Assemble your venerate earth color spectrum palette and make peace with beliefs that may have blocked you, in the process. Let your heart essence connect...

Shaping Earth & Fire: Earthenware Pottery Earthenware is a dialogue with the elements; listening to and from the ways of fire, the personality of clays, and the alchemy of color and form. When we shape wild clays, made of minerals and iron like us of bones and blood, our intentions are magnified and fortified. We will create an earth oven to fire our pottery. Pit firing clay vessels is practiced by many cultures around the world, each with rich, pottery traditions, cuisines and histories. This simple method is the oldest form of pottery making, but with the prevalence of modern technological methods and commercial clay companies, the inherent connection between ceramics and the land has become abstracted. The very use of foraged clays can be a profoundly...

In this class you will learn the most common types of stitches used in embroidery. I will teach them one by one with time to practice each stitch and ask questions. After learning the stitches we will have time to free form create story in the thread on either a piece of clothing/fabric you bring with you or on fabric that I provide for you to use. All other supplies will be provided.   Embroidery as storytelling will be taught by Arwyn Moonrise....

  Essences are infused vibrational waters that can create subtle, but very distinct, shifts in consciousness, enabling us to meet the moment in new ways. Come learn some of the less-often-heard aspects of making essences~ of plants, trees, rocks, planets, journeys, and more! We’ll also experience and explore the ways that dosing with essences can support our bodies and beings in adjusting to and engaging with the shifting energies of these times. Prepare to be dosed! Essence Making & Taking will be taught by Stargazer Li....

In this class we will gather together and learn to make a full-sized sweeping broom. Working with a natural bark on stick and a large bundle 0f broom corn we will utilize our skills working with tension to weave a full size broom that you will take home with you and bring prosperity to your sacred space. This is an intermediate level skill and requires you to have taken my whisk broom class previously.   This class has limited spaces and is taught within two separate days.   Lexy Baron will be sharing Full Size Broom Makin'. Thank you!...