Learn to safely seal and preserve the harvest! In this hands-on skillshare you will learn the basics of preserving foods like pickles, salsas, jams, juices, and tomatoes using the water-bath canning method. We will discuss what can be canned using this method, food safety, and conjure up a recipe to seal on the spot. As a bonus we will also be talking briefly about dehydrating. Sienna Orlando-Lalaguna will be sharing Water-Bath Canning....

  The Wild Rebirth of Living Language introduces a framework for re-imagining our world through the power of our words. Through mindfulness and embodiment practices, writing exercises, nuanced discussions, and grounded ritual we will examine the ways structural domination, oppression, and dichotomy are woven into our identities and relationships. We will cultivate more honest self-knowing, generous empowerment, intentional betrayal of false belonging, and collective liberation, as we practice towards a grammar of healing and interconnectedness. Part etymological geekery, part compassionate inquiry, part liberatory anti-establishment dreamscaping, part co-created emergent ritual, this class is a cauldron of transfiguration guided by wonder. Can we turn a weapon of destruction into a tool of co-creation? Niema Lightseed will be teaching The Wild Rebirth of Living Language...

  felting is one of the oldest forms of textile creation, used among many cultures for clothing, shelter, bedding, saddles, even armor. in this class we will process raw wool to prepare it for wet felting where water, soap, and friction meet the wool to form an sturdy and beautiful material. students will leave with a small finished pouch at the end of the class. Maya Beth and Claire Lagrange will be teaching wet felted vessels...