Quantum Goddess Vibration Therapy
I am a Quantum Feminist—a cosmology weaver inviting us into an emergent vision of Earth(ship)/Mother(ship) as she moves through a necessary evolutionary leap, working to restore planetary balance and catalyze a new level of collective consciousness. **Quantum Feminist Cosmology** arises from our deep-rooted heritage in goddess culture and is encoded within our mitochondrial DNA, the matrilineal energy source of our cells. These codes tune us into the original matrix of life, helping us remember that the cultural narratives that have shaped our current crises—patriarchy, parasitism, and imbalance—are malleable and can be rewritten. Through subtle vibration therapy, language alchemy, and storytelling, participants will receive “frequency adjustments” that guide them to access womb-heart-pituitary intelligence, restoring harmony in their bodies and therefore, their communities and Earth’s systems. The womb is...