Natasha Pachalove
Natasha Pachalove is a healing arts practitioner, ceremonialist + full spectrum doula committed to facilitating regeneration. She has studied womb wisdom, meditation + therapeutic dance since 2015. Experiencing abortion at home has enabled her to support others in grief of pregnancy release. Natasha utilizes breath, plants + prayer to alchemize our greatest pains into our valuable strengths. She is devoted to creating nurturing spaces in her circles + private sessions where people can ignite their inner healing powers. Natasha is grounded in her spiritual service as a Moon Dancer, Vision Quester + Reverend Priestess ordained through the Iseum of Quimera. She is deeply grateful to her teachers + Taíno, Haudenosaunee, European + African ancestors for guiding her in these ways. You can connect deeper with Natasha + learn...