Tamara Wilder became fascinated by ancient living skills in at age 19 when she attended an Ancient Living Skills gathering. She was "hooked" and quickly began incorporating the practice of skills into her daily experience. Ever since, she has been dedicating her life to enjoying, learning, researching, experimenting with, writing about and teaching Paleo Technologies through a variety of programs, workshops & demonstrations on a range of skill topics at a plethora of locations through her company Paleotechnics. Now, over 30 years later, she runs programs in stringmaking, firemaking, rope making & hunting technology and other fiber arts for grade school students all around Northern California as well as adult workshops in the Pacific Northwest and is co-author of the book Buckskin: The Ancient Art of...

Tamara Wilder became fascinated by ancient living skills in at age 19 when she attended an Ancient Living Skills gathering. She was “hooked” and quickly began incorporating the practice of skills into her daily experience. Ever since, she has been dedicating her life to enjoying, learning, researching, experimenting with, writing about and teaching Paleo Technologies through a variety of programs, workshops & demonstrations on a range of skill topics at a plethora of locations through her company Paleotechnics. Now, over 30 years later, she runs programs in stringmaking, firemaking, rope making & hunting technology and other fiber arts for grade school students all around Northern California as well as adult workshops in the Pacific Northwest and is co-author of the book Buckskin: The Ancient Art of...

Tamu Mosley is an Oakland CA (traditional Lisjan Ohlone land) born, a mama of 3, a teacher, a wholistic wellness facilitator, a kitchen alchemist, a home herbalist & herbal maker, a ceremonialist and a flower essence practitioner. Tamu is the creator of Wholistic Shine (established in 2014) and Uchū Botanical (established in 2018). Tamu is passionate about a wholistic approach to eating and living by bringing more mindfulness and intention to daily choices along with cultivating wellness practices that support mind, body and spirit. She is honored and humbled to support others on their wellness journey by inspiring, educating and empowering them through her Wholistic Shine and Uchū Botanical offerings. For the past three years Tamu has been on an intentional, mindful menopause journey, tending to her...

Uma Luna was born & raised nestled in the Siskiyou mountain range of Southern Oregon. She is a fifth generation organic farmer, lifetime nature lover, & forever a student of life. She spends her time growing organic food, hiking, surfing, foraging, cooking, building, creating art, making medicine, spending time with loved ones, & tanning hides. Her love for tending to animals started young, inspired by her grandpa who was a sheep shepherd. Over the past few years, Uma has been cultivating knowledge & skills on how to naturally tan animal hides. Uma Luna will be sharing Hide Tanning...

Victoria (she/they) is an Herbalist, Bodyworker, Nature Walker and Flower Enthusiast. She has spent the last decade deepening her knowledge of plant medicine and communing with the spirits of nature. Born of Portuguese, Peruvian and European decent she began practicing herbalism first through a Western lens, learning the plants native to the lands she has been living and tending. After many years of practicing in these ways she began traveling to Peru and learning the ways of her Ancestors. For the past eight years Victoria has deepened her herbal studies to focus on Plant Sprit Medicine and learning the practices of healing our Spiritual and Emotional bodies. She has been learning these ways from her elders both here in North America as well as in...

Wai'ala is an mother, maker, artist, nature based art educator specializing in botanical dyeing, storyteller, a 3rd generation small scale flower farmer, homesteader, and keiki o ka 'āina (child of the land) and lineal descendant of Hawai’i - born and raised on moku o Keawe (Hawai’i island) with a history rooted in conservation, culture and living close to the land with reverence and aloha.  As a land steward, and a nature based artist working in fiber arts, floral artistry and traditional lei making; she weaves her passion of sustainability, preservation, perpetuation and reciprocity for the natural world into all she shares through storytelling, folklore, hands on experience and honoring the interconnectedness of land, linage, people and practice. Waiʻala resides on the misty mountain slopes of Mauna Loa,...

      Hi, my name is Willorna. I am a daughter, a mother of 2. A Reiki Master Teacher in Usui and Karuna. I am the visual alchemist of 3Fourths is what I call my lifes work. My characters in my visual work may be a reflection of me. however, I feel there is a universal connection between this physical world as well the spirit world. being a creative all my life and growing up in this ever changing world, there is one thing that stays constant. it is the beating (vibration) of the heart (love), which is what i have learned resides in every single being. I simply want to share and express my love and joy with all, silently or loud. Willorna is teaching Healing through Self...

Windsong Martin lives in Southern Oregon, with her husband, on their 40 acre beautiful land in the Siskiyou Mountains. She is an active environmental protector. Windsong has a great passion for singing with others. She has written many folk songs, chants and a choral arrangements. The chant “MOTHER I FEEL YOU” written in 1985, has travelled the world resonating with others who love the Earth. Windsong has been sharing workshops and choral circles for years and for many decades she has been active hosting Women’s ceremonies, writing and gathering many songs for women. This rich history prompted her to recently compile a song book and ceremonial guide for a Woman’s life called “Reviving Sacred Woman”. Windsong has mentored with several elder teachers. blessed to travel and...

  Yeshe Meryemana Matthews is Mandala Priestess of the Mt Shasta Goddess Temple and owner of The Sacred Well metaphysical shop in Dunsmuir, CA. Yeshe has dedicated her life to female mysteries and sacred healing practices, with ongoing study and practice in Tibetan Buddhism, Siberian/Mongolian Shamanism, Ifa, Mayan Cosmology, herbal healing, and Dianic Goddess Spirituality. With a Master's degree in Women's History from Sarah Lawrence College in New York, she has studied women's mysticism, shamanism, and matriarchal communities for over twenty years. She maintains a public shrine to Kuan Yin that thousands of people visit each year. She has been a professional diviner for over 20 years and has performed more than 15,000 readings. She also takes people on small-group pilgrimages to holy sites of the...