Meghan Walla-Murphy

Meghan Walla-Murphy

Meghan Walla-Murphy has been able to combine her passions for wildlife tracking, writing and people into vocations of habitat conservation and public awareness. As an educator, wildlife ecologist and author of books, essays and articles, Meghan strives to help people connect to their external and internal landscapes. She has been tracking animals avidly for more than two decades, which adds a depth and breadth to her work in habitat connectivity and outreach. She is a lead of the North Bay Bear Collaborative ( She has also co-authored a book on tracking with carnivore biologist Dr. James Halfpenny as well as a book on the historical ecology of salmonids in the Russian River.

Meghan has traveled extensively in the US, Brasil, the Congo, and Southern Africa to learn from diverse teachers who use wildlife tracking for research, land stewardship, and education. This seemingly esoteric, yet ancient art has given Meghan the skills to read a landscape and better understand ecology, which she then applies to help solve conservation and social justice challenges in her community, as well as healing work. For more information or to contact Meghan please visit her


Meghan will be sharing Wildlife Tracking.