Shele Jessee

Shele Jessee

My name is Shele Jeanne Jessee. My first name is a place by the river in Welsh and both my middle and last names mean a gift. One a gift you receive and the other a gift you give. I am honored and excited to share intuitive leather bags this year at Spirit Weavers. I have taught this class for several years and it is almost always transformational.

I ride horses full time, and run my online business

I am a California girl through and through but live in Texas full time chasing my wildest dreams as a horsewoman.

Horses are a gift and I am in service to them, the cowboy spirit and the land. I have always been involved in ranching in one way or another, my roots as a maker began in the primitive skills community. I bring all of my experiences to my classes and value working with our hands as a way to process our hearts and minds. w/love Shele


Shele will be teaching Intuitive Leather bags