Sara Gensmer, RN, FMP

Sara Gensmer, RN, FMP

Hi, I’m Sara. For the last twenty years I’ve studied the art and science of healing through exploring Eastern philosophical and Western clinical health sciences, Amazonian plant medicines and other traditional healing methods. Before my Nursing career, I held various positions in the international public health sector where I created and managed reproductive health and nutritional rehabilitation programs in Malawi, Burkina Faso, Sierra Leone and Honduras. I now work as an Integrative Nurse and Women’s Health and Hormone Coach, as a certified DUTCH Hormone practitioner and Root Cause Protocol certified functional nutrition and mineral balancing coach.

I will be offering women’s medicine sessions to empower, educate, and support those
proactively preparing their body for pregnancy, struggling with fertility, or looking to rebalance themselves postpartum; women experiencing painful or irregular periods, PMDD, estrogen dominance, or PCOS; those seeking support for anxiety, depression, fatigue, burn-out, chronic stress or those feeling disconnected from their feminine essence and vitality; as well as industrious health and wellness explorers looking for another set of eyes to fine tune their practices and protocols through a mineral and hormone balancing lens..

These integrative sessions will include tailored functional nutrition, supplement and lifestyle recommendations, while holding space and an intuitive lens and for underlying root cause energetics.


Find Sara sharing medicine sessions in the Healing Village during both sessions