Registration Add-Ons

You can purchase additional add-ons for the gathering starting January 19th at 10am pst. This includes a car camping pass if you will be sleeping in your car, and a meal fee if you will be staying in between sessions and attending both Sun & Moon. This fee will cover all of your meals Monday-Thursday during the Gathering Sessions.

General Parking is free and does not require a Car Camping Pass

Add-ons will not be available after June 10th

Terms & Conditions

When you purchase add-ons for Spirit Weavers Gathering, you agree to the following:

Refunds – There are no refunds

Transfers – If you would like to transfer your add-on to another Spirit Weavers  attendee,  your original email confirmation must be sent along to the new recipient and presented at the Accommodation check in at the gathering.


Spirit Weavers is not responsible for any lost emails.


You cannot transfer add-ons to the following year of The Spirit Weavers Gathering.