


Raven is a second generation Filipino, and fourth generation Scandinavian. A mother of four young sons, raised by the ocean in Coast Salish lands. She has been blessed to have been taught drum craft in the traditional ways. Her highest creative calling at this moment in her life journey is lapidary stonework, drum making, and the traditional tanning of sheepskin pelts and hides. She has taught a variety of classes such as wet felting, brain-tanning sheepskins and hand drum making for many years. She has courted these crafts in her own ways and been gifted the transmissions of these crafts through the lineages and to share their wisdom and transformative experiences. Raven’s matriarchal lineage comes from the healers of the Philippines Islands. She has been bestowed the rights of passage from Mambabatok Apo Whang-Od of the Kalinga tribe, who is now 107 years old.

“Gratitude to my teachers who introduced me to drum circle visioning and was given my first drum by Patrick Pinson of Cedar Mountain Drums in 2013, to Jorge “Two Eagles” Lewis a Coast Salish Drum Maker, and to Maria Rose Sikyea, Dené Indigenous Mother, who taught me how to tan hides just over 7 years ago. A deep bow to the late Palo Huff, my mentor and beloved friend who taught me the art of stone carving and that the gem within the stone reveals itself through the visioning mirror from within.” ~ Raven


Raven will be sharing Intuitive Drum Making