Lauralina Melendez

Lauralina Melendez

Lauralina is a Taino multidisciplinary artist, activist, land steward and mother. Living, loving and creating from her corner of the world in Borike, also known as Puerto Rico. She comes from lineages of medicine women on both her mother and father’s side. Curanderas, midwives and seers. The craft of doll making she shares has been passed down for generations and received by her Abuela, Gloria Ester.
Lauralina is a radical mother of 2, raising a family in freedom and choice, leading a life based in consent, respect and devotion. Practicing self directed education, they hold space for others on the same journey, hosting retreats and family gatherings, bringing global and local communities together. Along with her family, she stewards land growing organic food to nourish her loved ones and share. Besides keeping traditions alive with her craft, she also loves spear fishing, fermenting, cooking nourishing ancestral foods, dancing, surfing, talking to the plant and animal kin, crafting and sharing herbal medicines and spending time with her children and animals. She has a passion for learning new skills and deepening in the skills that live in her bones.


Lauralina Melendez will be sharing Medicine Doll Making & Radical Love and Parenting Circle.