30 Dec Kk Labia
I’m Kk, a queer, cis, Polish Jewish and Romanian Jewish woman. I’m a land tender, a forest dweller, a sister, friend and daughter. I’m a ceremonial tattoo artist, a huntress, a facilitator of connection, I’m a rainbow seeker, a dream weaver and a puddle jumper. I work every day to better understand my ancestry and lineage while showing up to foster connection and relationships to the lands I live on and the Hul’q’umín’um’ and SENĆOŦEN speaking people they were stolen from. My Polish ancestors, for 10 generations were butchers and hide tanners, and I can feel it in my bones and in my hands whenever I wield a knife or watch flesh turn to food and fabric.
I do my best to live a life in ritual and reciprocity and in close relationship with all the food and creatures in my life. This means I hunt, scavenge, grow and forage for as much of what sustains me as possible.
I have been practicing this way of living for nearly a decade, and over this past year I have come into sharing these skills in my community.
I have been taught by many that I am lucky to call my teachers and mentors.
I am forever a student of life and all it offers me.
Kk Labia will be sharing Animal Transformation by Knife
Instagram @kklabia