Hosanna White

Hosanna White

Hosanna is an earth pigment paintmaker, earthenware potter, and earth artist of Northern-European decent living on Kalapuya land in the foothills of the Cascades in Western Oregon.

Hosanna has been captivated by the elemental magic of working with wild clays for eight years, ever since learning about pit fire pottery at Spirit Weavers in 2016 from Caitlin Deane. The unique personalities of each clay, the language of the hands, and the depth of ceremony to the whole process has inspired her to learn all that she can from teachers in the Northwest and Southwest in hand building and traditional firing methods.

Working with local materials is to work with local histories. The narratives of the stones and clays tell a dynamic story of their geological origins, as well as the toll colonization has had on the landscape. As a guest on the lands where she resides, Hosanna centers her work with local minerals on understanding and digesting these histories, from how she gathers the earth to the stories she tells through her art.

Hosanna White will be sharing Shaping Earth & Fire: Elemental Pottery.