Drea Moore

Drea Moore

Drea facilitates profound healing experiences between people and plants through practices such as communal herbalism, somatics and personal creative revival. She advocates for all people’s sacred birthright to heal with and connect to earth medicines in practical and magical ways. She lives in Washington State in the far wilds of the Olympic Peninsula where she teaches bioregional herbalism at the local community college, apothecary and online from her urban coastal home.

As the “sober herbalist,” she actively shares how to holistically support people who are in recovery and/or struggling with substance abuse. Currently her work is evolving toward writing a book, blogging and raising complex questions about wellness and our relationship to Gaia in these turbulent times of social political upheaval and climate chaos. Follow her on instagram and sub stack at @soberherbalist or through her web site soberherbalist.com.


Drea Moore will be sharing Bohemian Bitters and W/Bitches Brew.