Dream Practice: Beginning a Dream Practice & Plant Allies for Dreamtime Dreaming is sacred. Dreaming is your birthright. And dreaming is about relationship. Together we will look at our current relationship to the dreamtime and then what it could be like to court this relationship into a deeper place, where we feel connected to the messages, healing and inspiration available there. We will share tools and simple rituals to encourage dream recall, then look at ways to work with dreams and start to build an understanding of the messages they carry. We will also explore how working with specific plants can support your dreaming by encouraging steady sleep, nervous system regulation, dream recall and lucid dreaming. Together we will find the plant ally that will best support your...

  Menopause is a sacred threshold, offering women the chance to reclaim their wisdom and power. In this session, we will explore Dreamwork as a tool for visioning into menopause, using the guidance of our dreams to reframe this life stage as one of empowerment and renewal. It's the stage of life I like to call, The Enchantress. We’ll create space to share dreams, work with symbols, and uncover messages that can inform our transition into this profound phase of life. Together, we’ll honor the wisdom of our inner worlds and create a ceremonial container for the Enchantress to emerge. This offering is for women who wish to connect deeply with their intuition, reclaim their power, and reimagine menopause as a sacred journey. Shauna Lay will be sharing Dreaming...

  Learn to spin fiber into yarn using a drop spindle! Create a beautiful skein of hand spun yarn and explore a variety of earthen fibers. You will walk away from this workshop with your yarn and all of the wisdom and tools that you need to keep spinning at home. Fiber spinning has been an essential skill throughout the history of human kind. Yarn is the foundation for all fabric and for most of history, these threads have been spun by hand! We all have spinners in our bloodlines, and through spinning we honor them and connect with and the Earth, Spirit, and beyond. We become alchemists; spinning earthen fibers into threads to be woven anew; infused with out unique essence. The ancient art of spinning...

  The class will begin by creating grounded presence in body and mind, followed by energizing pranayama (breathwork) and a gentle, opening warm-up.   The class will build into a strong yet graceful flowing sequence, creating confidence and embodiment along the way. A softening cool-down into a closing meditation will round out the class. The class will be taught to all-levels with modifications offered throughout, however, some yoga experience is recommended.   Empowering Vinyasa Flow will be lead by Dr. Rachel Stricker.    ...

    Dive into the wonderful world of felting with this two-part class exploring dry and wet felting techniques. We'll be using ethically collected wool from our friends the sheep to engage in meditative and embodied processes to give feeling form. Wet felted vessels can be used as wearable art, and dry felted talismans can help us deepen our connection with the sacred symbols in our lives.   Felted Talisman & Vessels will be taught be Maran Bloomingdale.  ...

    This class is a grounded combination of strength building, up lifting, breath flowing vinyasa yoga and earth based, cooling restorative yoga holds. Class will begin with a warming flow to ignite solar energy then transition into a series of longer held restorative postures to balance lunar energy. Following a sweet surrender, students will be provided with a journaling prompt and invited to share during communal discussion. *Sharing is optional, not required. * Flow with the Sun, Chill with the Moon: Yoga and Journal Experience will be shared by Cassandra Aronow...

  For beginner & intermediate gardeners! Grow your own food on the smallest porch, or convert your yard into a food forest. Learn the basics of organic gardening and permaculture, and what it takes to start producing food in your home and community. We will touch on soil, light, watering, fertilizing and seasons, as well as different methods of composting. We will finish with a question-and-answer forum where we can exchange gardening questions and tips. Sienna Orlando-Lalaguna will be leading Gardening for Life!...

  A playful yet grounding two and a half hour sensual embodiment experience of herbal energetics. Attendees learn how to support healing and happiness partnering herbs with the senses. Taste your way to a stronger immune system; smell your way to less anxiety and learn how to deepen your relationship to the plants all around you through your nose, eyes and mouth! No materials fee and no limit to class size.   Herbal “Amuse Bouche” will be shared by Drea Moore....

The focus of this class is to learn about herbal allies and holistic supports for Motherhood from fertility and preconception to pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. We will discuss nourishing practices for our mind, body, and spirit through diet, exercise, meditation, etc...

  Lets gather in sacred circle to connect with medicine-making and getting to know our elders, the Plants. Through touch, taste, smell and the profound connection to their Spirit we will dive into the multi-layered practices of herbalism through the lens of care, respect and reciprocity. In this class you’ll learn the importance of the Medicine Wheel as a guiding source for planting, foraging, harvesting, extracting constituents, tending and ritual, as well as how to differentiate the five flavors in herbs and what clues they have for us. Through conscious herbalism you'll learn how to respectfully approach and incorporate ancestral wisdom into our everyday lives and methods of extraction with water, oil, alcohol and wild vinegars to make well balanced, potent extracts. As a facilitator I like to intertwine...