Growing up on the coast of Miami, Florida, Lexy was always found in nature and in the ocean. She found the natural world most inspiring, and went on to receive a degree in Biology. After receiving her degree, she decided to dig deeper into the ways of her ancestors, learning more about plant medicine and primitive skills. Her grandparents were nomadic Romanian Romani’s (Gypsies). They migrated to New York during World War II. She found that her individuality was deeply seeded from her Grandmother and the Eastern European nomadic culture. Full of artistic drive and a love for medicinal plants and natural fibers, she went on to her own journey working with textiles and leather and creating herbal medicine. Lexy has worked in many fields,...

Lily Chau was born and raised in the green mountain state of Vermont. Surrounded by many folks who worked with and studied plants; she naturally became interested in exploring this world, the plant kingdom/queendom at an early age. She transplanted to California in 2014 to study Jewelry Fabrication, Textiles and Herbalism. Which later led her to the California School of Herbal Studies in 2018 where she since decided to stay. She lives in a tiny cabin on the land of the Coastal Miwok and Southern Pomo in Sonoma County, CA. Lily enjoys sharing her passion for exploration and has been traveling 6 month out of the year via her converted shuttle bus to ancestral skills + womens gatherings to learn, share, create and teach. She is...

I am a painter and illustrator, creating medicine beings in imagined landscapes. I often find these works to contain oracular elements woven with the archetypes. It is my joy to bring forth imagery that has a peaceful and magical essence. My work is intuitive and a timeless process. I allow the spaciousness to reveal the direction a piece wants to go. I paint in oils, acrylics, and watercolor. I am deeply inspired by the natural world, which I experience daily living by a wild and free river in Southern Oregon. more of my work can be found at   Lindy will be leading and sharing her work in the Artist Village at both sessions...

Liya Garber creates a heart-filled, fun, joyful way to calm the mind and align with one's inner truth. She brings a unique and special gift of laughter and humor to every class. Her yoga journey began in the heart of New York City where she lived a fast-paced life as a business executive. As the stress of this life began to affect her health, Liya turned to yoga and began to heal. The results were undeniable, and she has been on a dedicated path of self healing and discovery ever since. In addition to yoga, she is a certified Mindfulness and Wellbeing Strategy coach and has studied deep esoteric Kabbalah, including the sacred Tree of Life and dream work, in Las Piramides Del Ka, a mystery school...

Maia Kiley is a licensed psychotherapist and certified ecotherapist. As a member of the Climate Psychology Alliance, she provides climate-aware therapy. Maia is based in Brooklyn, NY. In addition to individual sessions, she offers community events that merge psychology and ecology. @the_ecotherapist Ariana Greene is a psychologist, healer, environmental activist, educator, ceremonialist, plant medicine integrationist, and dreamer. Ariana specializes in psychotherapy for the queer and gender diverse community as well as for those experiencing climate distress. Ariana is also a member of the Climate Psychology Alliance. Maia Kiley & Ariana Greene will be sharing Climate Distress & Resilience Workshop...

Trained in classical piano at the age of five, Maité has since developed an impressive repertoire of original, multi-instrumental, heart-centered music. She draws inspiration from the natural elements, world music, ceremony, and her own personal journey of healing. With her hypnotic voice and powerful lyrics, she captures a growing international audience of devoted listeners. Maité is celebrated for her ability to merge genres, seamlessly weaving etheric melodies and words together for listeners to resonate deeply with. Maité has participated in many concerts and festivals around the world. She has shared the stage with the likes of Rising Appalachia, Mike Love, and Snow Raven, and has been the opener for Curawaka, FIA, and Carrie Tree. As a writer and composer, Maité draws on her multi-ethnic background to write songs using...

Hey there! My name is Maria and I come from a Southern town in Chile, moved to the states a few years ago and been living in Oregon for the last 3 years. I began my Pilates journey 8 years ago and then decided to do my teacher training through Balanced Body for my Mat and Reformer certification. Recently open a cozy private studio in Grants Pass, Oregon were I teach Reformer classes. I'm beyond exited to be able to share some movement and good times. See you soon!   Maria will be sharing Mat Pilates...

Mary inhabits the liminal hinterlands of sensuality and paradox. Though her body of work spans form and genre—she mostly creates through the lens of a poet. Weaving, knitting, spinning and wool have been potent teachers on her path of devotional remembrance. The dynamic tension inherent in fiber arts lives in her heart and hands not just as metaphor, but as deep creational truth that feeds and inspires her research, play, and praxis. As woman, mother, artist and devotee to the mystery— Mary’s work is dedicated to exploring the erotic backwaters of our wild aliveness. Opening to the penetrative pulse of life surging through the terrestrial realm, the sensual unfurling waiting to spring forth when women embody their God-given *permission*, and the integrated spiritual embodiment that this...

Meghan Walla-Murphy has been able to combine her passions for wildlife tracking, writing and people into vocations of habitat conservation and public awareness. As an educator, wildlife ecologist and author of books, essays and articles, Meghan strives to help people connect to their external and internal landscapes. She has been tracking animals avidly for more than two decades, which adds a depth and breadth to her work in habitat connectivity and outreach. She is a lead of the North Bay Bear Collaborative ( She has also co-authored a book on tracking with carnivore biologist Dr. James Halfpenny as well as a book on the historical ecology of salmonids in the Russian River. Meghan has traveled extensively in the US, Brasil, the Congo, and Southern Africa to...

Mikhel Neshat hails from the Motherland of Austin, Texas, though California has been her home for 16 years. She’s in the midst of building her grassroots company, Wayfinder Archery, a Traditional Archery and education company which provides basic and fundamental knowledge in instinctive shooting, development of a relationship with the bow & arrow, and a platform to transform your relationship to yourself & nature. Wayfinder Archery brings people together to remember who they are through the power of presence, embodiment, breath, nature, yielding weapons well, good ole’ fashion humor, authenticity, and high-quality company. Mikhel brings a special twist to the Archery Range via her tracking skills and insights of the human psyche & body language, and subconscious symbology, paired with some damn fine instinctive and intuitive abilities....