29 Dec Beth Shoun Coyote
“Loss is the absence of something we were once attached to. Grief is the rope burns left behind, when that which is held is pulled beyond our grasp”
-Stephen Levine, “Unattended Sorrow”.
I’m a daughter, mother, and grandmother. I have been a midwife since 1973. I began my Buddhist practice in 1995.
I retired from active midwifery practice in 2024. Apprenticed trained before I attended the Seattle Midwifery School. I graduated in 1986 and began a practice in Seattle. At SMS, I taught clinical skills and gynecology until 2007. I taught an intro to midwifery class and a grief and loss class to students at Bastyr Naturopathic college for 15 years. I have been a clinical instructor for many student midwives. I owned and ran the Rainy City Midwifery clinic until 2017. Last year I completed a Buddhist Chaplaincy program at Upaya Zen Center.
I am offering a grief and loss circle to anyone who is harboring ‘unattended sorrow’ or loss. The circle will be a place to speak the truth of our grief, anyone is invited to join. Grief and loss are universal experiences. Caring for the tender griefs in our psyches allows us to become more whole, more honest, more ourselves. We must speak what is on our hearts, shed tears for our sorrow in our suffering world and together commit to serve the most vulnerable. With love and care.
Beth Shoun Coyote is holding a Grief and Loss inTroubled Times.