Ana Jimenez

Ana Jimenez

My name is Ana Jimenez. I am a mother, womb educator, and consultant with a background in Medical Microbiology who works with women’s health organizations in Latin America and the United States. Originally from Colombia, I currently live in Nevada City, California. For the past 13 years, I have been learning healing and ceremonial practices from indigenous communities across South and North America allowing me to serve as a bridge between the Western and Ancestral world views. I have also received traditional altars and sacred tools like the Lakota Inipi sweat lodge and Humitos Sagrados which I held with so much honor and humility.

In my work I hold a loving, fierce and informed container for women seeking to conceive, women with hormonal and microbiome imbalances in their vulva-vagina-womb and anyone who desires to deepen their connection with their feminine cycles and womb, and who feel called to transform their relationship with their sexuality and body.

My approach weaves together hormonal health and physiology, ecosomatics, art, earth rituals and ancestral practices to support each woman in finding their own pathways to embodying their unique wisdom and healing. One such path is the making of Chicha, which is a powerful way for women to connect with their womb and remember the mother within. When we honor our wombs and cycles, we open to our fullness as wild and wise women. My life’s work is midwifing this journey.

Ana Jimenez will be sharing The Art of Fermenting Traditional Andean Chicha.