Ali McWeeny

Ali McWeeny

Ali McWeeny is a courageous, compassionate, curious and creative breathwork practitioner from the Pacific Northwest. Living with limbloss as an amputee, Ali has set 32 powerlifting records and exceeds societal limitations. Ali has triumphed over greater challenges and continues to experience miracles. Practicing breathwork, permaculture, earth-based skills, and steeping in experiential learning and reciprocity with their two children and partner. You can catch Ali stewarding land, harvesting roadkill, cultivating food forests, chopping wood, shooting arrows, and traveling the world to share the gifts and tools of breathwork.
Former elite competitive athlete, a coach of peak performance, teacher of body, mind, and spiritual health, a full-time parent, and an emerging guide of immersive transformation.

Ali is a multidisciplinary breathwork practitioner, hypnotherapist, herbalist, and permaculture designer. Ali offers practices that tend to and can dissolve stress, tension and suffering and ignite energy, creativity, awareness, adaptability, and aliveness.

Ali holds a principle-based approach to transformation that opens accessibility to all folks and all beliefs. Facilitating transformation in person and online, individually and groups, retreats, intensive training and immersive integration to bring these healthful ways into everyday life.

“There is no one way to be, there is no one way to breathe” Ali

Ali McWeeny will be sharing Breath Tools for Surthrival, Breath Vitality & Animal Transformation by Knife.