08 Jan Open Cordage Circle
Humans have been making cordage for at least fifty thousand years. It has helped us to shape our world and to thrive in it. We twist fibers to create strength, length and beauty. Cordage is accessible even to those who would not consider themselves artists or crafty- our hands can hold the memory.
In this informal circle, folks are welcome to drop in and try their hands at this ancient technique or to continue with the cordage they have already begun. Just like an old fashioned quilting circle, it is an opportunity to sit with others- share, reflect, ask questions and to explore the process and form.
Come away with an understanding of how to turn the materials in your life into beautiful and useful lengths of cord, whether to wrap a gift, hang as a garland or to wear as a necklace or hatband.
This circle will be Sunday Morning. Materials provided. $0-$10 suggested material donation. All ages welcome- youngin’s under seven will need to be with their big person. No sign up required.
Open Cordage Circle will be held by Saoirse Byrne who will also be teaching Cordage as Adornment.