The Science of Vibrational Healing

The Science of Vibrational Healing

Join Allison Bagg, sound practitioner and breathwork facilitator, for a cosmic journey that merges the worlds of science and spirit. Allison will provide the history and study of vibration and frequency, and show us how music is a sacred technology designed to entrain ourselves into harmony and coherence. To integrate this information, we will then drop into meditation with an orchestra of alchemy crystal singing bowls, planetary gong, chimes and a few other specially designed instruments for theta brainwave activation. This experience will help you to release and let go of any stagnancy and trapped emotions in the body, along with the opportunity to plant deep seeds of intention in the subconscious mind to rewire outdated patterns. You will leave feeling profoundly refreshed, and with a newfound appreciation for the vibrational nature of reality and your own body.

The Science of Vibrational Healing will be offered by Allison Bagg.