Session Schedule

The SUN and MOON sessions of Spirit Weavers Gathering have the same general schedule, seen below, with only a few small differences in offerings.


The main difference between both session is the classes offered, which can be seen on the “Weavers & Skillshare” tab of our website.



9a m Gates open, arrival & set up camp

2-3 pm Instructor Meet & Greet

3 pm  Opening Ceremony, Ritual with Fire Offerings

4 pm Instructor Introductions and Class Sign Ups

(It is very important that you are fully set up and present for Opening Ceremony by 3pm.)

7 pm Dinner

10 pm Stargazing

7:20pm Opening Ritual with Fire Offerings


6:15-8am Morning flow: Tea, Yoga, Meditation classes

8am-9:30 am Breakfast and announcements

930am-12:30 pm Skill share classes

12:30 pm to 3pm Lunch

3pm-6pm Skill share classes

6pm-8pm Dinner

8pm Evening flow: Song Weavers Circle


6:15-8am Morning flow: Tea, Yoga, Meditation classes

8am-9:30am Breakfast and announcements

9:30am-12:30 pm Skill share classes

12:30pm to 3pm Lunch

3pm-6pm Skill share classes

6pm Dinner

7pm Moon Beams Procession and Threshold Ceremony

8pm Evening flow: Weavers Sonic Celebration

10 pm Stargazing


6:15-8 am Morning flow: Tea, Yoga, Meditation classes

8am-9:30am Breakfast and announcements

9:30am-12:30pm Skill share classes

12:30pm – 3pm Lunch: Share/trade blankets

3pm-5pm Skill share classes

5pm-6:30pm Dinner

6:30pm-8pm  Angel Wash

8 pm DJ Set


6:15-8am Morning flow: Tea, Yoga, Meditation classes

8am-9:30am Light breakfast & Closing Ritual

9:30am-10am Annual Group Photo

10 am Prepare for departure.

We ask that all attendees take leave of the land by noon.

Our last group meal will be breakfast Monday morning.