Sacred Altar felting

Sacred Altar felting

My felted art comes alive in MERAKI Intentional Creativity
Meraki means that you do something with passion and absolute devotion, with undivided attention and with all your creativity; a labour of love from the heart and soul. It signifies that you “put a part of yourself, your energy, into your work” The sacred felt creations that come into the world under this name are activated with this divine energy

With that energy I invite you to come and create your own “Sacred Altar”. Starting with an intention of your heart and soul, Bringing in our wisdom, our joy and creative juices. Transforming the love and light from our own divine being into a feast of colors and symbols. Through the ancient art of felting we will make a place of power that we can always take with us. Be amazed by the weaving together of wool, colour, water and movement.


Sacred Altar Felting will be offered by Marike Van Ijssel