30 Dec Mushroom Circle of the Witches

This circle is a ritual space to commune with the wildness of the soul-based teachings that arise from fungi. Fungi resonate deep in our psyches as archetypal inhabitants of dual worlds: realms above and below; seen and unseen; death and rebirth. Fungi are sacred ancestors and guides of soul cycles between heaven, earth, and the underworld. They can orient us in our soul’s journey through transformation and connection.In this space we gather in a circle as a fairy ring or what my Italian ancestry calls a Witch’s Circle: “Cerchio delle Streghe”. We will explore and study how fungi are essential to the resilience of earth’s ecosystems and human wellness. We will also commune with fungi in ritual practices and invitations. We will look to fungi to help us bridge the worlds of the known and the unknown. Fungi teach us that death, decay, crisis, and loss are supports for growth rather than obstacles. Fungi show us that power depends on the strength of our relationships. The fungi, like the divine feminine, values the dance of the great roundness, the dimension of growth and decay which are not opposites of each other for they are intrinsic to one another. The deeply imaginal is looking straight into the ensouled world. It guides us back to wholeness. While we deeply imagine we meet guides who can assist us on the descent to the soul, and then with the re-emergence and integration into our daily life. For thousands of years the feminine has been pushed underground, where the fungi live. Like the dark goddess, fungi are officiators of the passage between worlds. Fungus is goddess of the night and the dark. What happens when we make contact with the realm of the dark goddess?
Together, we will meander along the mycelial path to connect the hyphae and re-awaken ancestral knowledge of times and lands in which humans looked to fungi for myth, magic, and medicine.
Mushroom Circle of the Witches – “Cerchio delle Streghe will be shared by Gabriele D’Elia.