Marketplace Application

We are excited to bring so many handmade from the heart, sustainable and unique vintage items into the 2023 Spirit Weavers Marketplace. Applications for Vendors will become available here February 5th-15th.  Please visit our Marketplace section of the website (Under Village) to learn more!

Marketplace Vendor prices are as follows: 1/2 booth $888, full 10×10 booth $1111.00 per session.  This price includes your ticket and your marketplace booth.  If you already have a ticket to the gathering, you will just pay the difference of $311 or $534.

The Spirit Weavers Marketplace is a dedicated space for celebrating the skill and creativity of the professional makers of our community. It is a place to discover new artists and support our entrepenurial path which is committed to building successful businesses by offering goods that are handmade from the heart, sustainable, locally crafted or vintage in origin.  

Our marketplace is housed outdoors and on the earth and is a place where we have the opportunity to appreciate the skill and creativity of the professional makers of our community. The market will be open during lunch and evening hours.