Light the Altar of Your Heart

Light the Altar of Your Heart

Join me in a heartfelt ceremony.

Altars, ancient portals to anchor our prayers/intentions, serve as bridges between us, our council, and our heart’s path. In this ceremony, we will explore the profound art of weaving and tending to an altar—an extension of our very being. Guided by the loving presence of elemental companions, we will delve into the transformative power of intention and embodied presence.

The essence and significance of an altar.
How to weave an altar as a reflection of your heart.
Techniques for establishing and nurturing a connection with your ancestors and inner council.
The sacred practice of tending to your altar with reverence.
The art of gracefully closing your altar, completing the cycle of intention.

Our time together will be a soul-nurturing journey, offering a glimpse into the profound beauty of being in relation with ourselves, our Earth Mother, and our inner council through the creation and illumination of our personal altars. Commencing with a cleansing ‘limpia’ and an opening prayer, we will share a moment of silence, connecting with a grounding heart-opening potion. The session will gently unfold as we weave through the golden threads of “Lighting the Altar of our Heart.”

May our time together inspire you to light the altar of your heart.


Esmeralda Rose will be sharing Lighting the Altar of the Heart.