Josie Castaneda

Josie Castaneda

Josie was born into a Mexican-Cuban family rooted in the healing arts of Curanderia, shape shifting and clairvoyance. At an early age she was introduced to the practice of Curanderismo, Folk Herbalism, as a way of life. Today, Josie is a modern day Curandera. Her role as a Yerbera, one who works with herbs, is to share her knowledge with depth, joy, and clarity. She has created various programs and retreats to share Curandersimo, Reiki, and other healing modalities to empower others in self-healing. As a Modern Day Curandera, Josie is a bridge between tradition and modern practices. Sharing the essences of the ancestral ways in an open and contemporary way.

Josie Castaneda will be offering Modern Curanderismo – Medicine Making & Limpias and holding Cacao Ceremony