11 Jan Janeva Sorenson
Janeva is a playful youngest sister, aunt, daughter, partner, friend, and cat mom. She feels most at home in the Sierra Nevada foothills of Northern California. Some of her favorite delights are a good day’s work, wander, or adventure outside, meeting and connecting with people, and developing skills for greater self-sufficiency. For her, the natural world has always been a place of refuge, work, and play. This love and time in the outdoors has allowed her to cultivate her skills in outdoor livin’ and knots. Janeva has camped and back-packed all her life, taught teens outdoor adventure & survival in Utah and completed a 28-day wilderness survival course. Spring through Fall she’s outside climbing trees as a seed & cone collector and plays, ahem, works in the creek doing wet meadow restoration using beaver mimicry. Otherwise she’s crafting, & tending land and animals. She’s looking forward to sharing her experiences and empowering other women to feel more confident and comfortable outside.
Janeva Sorenson will be teaching Knot Tying and Primitive Camping