Anna Mae Landauer

Anna Mae Landauer

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Wild spirit.
Dancer, witch, intuitive, empath, embodied seeker and truth teller.
Earth steward, lover of nature and wildness.
Student, teacher, medicine maker and rebel.
Movement artist and improviser.
Licensed Acupuncturist and Herbalist
Massage Therapist
Artistic Director of Wildance

Committed to spreading the spirit of adventure, I support compassionate living through immersion in nature, dance, creativity, and the healing arts. It is my medicine to help us discover and nurture embodied joy, awakening and nourishing the desire to live and love on our earthwalk. In work and play I offer intuitive, celebratory and exploratory experiences of mindful embodiment, playful movement and sensory awareness.

Immersed in the moment and attuned to nature I feel the spark of healing. This feeling of joy brings excitement for life, commitment to care for my body, a bond with wilderness and the elements, affirming my sense of belonging- this love inspires care for all beings. I hope that sparking this joy inspires others to feel this powerful connection, to understand how we are united through this intricate web of life. We are responsible for each other and have the capacity to care for all beings everywhere.

Anna has 30+ years experience in dance, yoga, healing, transformative arts, and outdoor education. Anna is a licensed acupuncturist/herbalist, massage therapist and Medical Qi Gong practitioner. She is a wilderness leader and guide. Deeply inspired by Mysticism, Earth Wisdom practices, and Buddhism, Anna is a practicing witch and initiated Priestess of Avalon (The Sovereign Path).


Anna will be sharing Wildance: Sensory Movement Explorations in Nature