Amy Mitchell

Amy Mitchell

Amy Sierra Bolton Taylor Mitchell, M.S., L.Ac., is a Licensed Acupuncturist and herbalist. She practices medicine with joy that is rooted in her own experience of acupuncture and Chinese Medicine and is informed by her over twenty five years of study and practice in the world of natural medicine.

Amy was first introduced to Chinese Medicine while studying Tai Chi. Her discovery and study of Eastern practices and philosophy facilitated both a profound inner opening and a coming home. When she first began studying Chinese Medicine, everything made sense. Her Northern California roots gave her a strong connection to and trust of nature, place and land. Chinese Medicine is all about a deeper understanding of the cycles of nature and this continues to broaden as she practices this medicine she loves.

Amy has studied yoga and meditation in India and Nepal, assisted in delivering babies and has studied and practiced with some of the foremost fertility specialists in the country, and pregnancy and obstetrics from the seminal Raven Lang, L.Ac. She leads retreats around the world teaching Taoist principles and giving acupuncture in circle.

Amy lives in the Gold Country surrounded by tall trees, green leaves and big sky with her husband, their two daughters and their kitties, Hat Cat & Golden. She gives thanks to the earth she grew up on on the banks of Tzabaco Creek, a land shared by Pomo people and to her many teachers who have given her these treasures to share.

Amy will be sharing an Acupuncture Circle.