
We gather to celebrate and connect with each other and ourselves. This space is available for you to be adorned as we facilitate self-love, self-care and transformation. We weave in our connection to the earth and the land, the seasons and the elements as central truths to cultivate beauty from the inside out.

The intention is to provide our unique offerings to those coming together on Cedar Bloom Land for the Spirit Weavers Gathering. 

Among the trees we create space, incorporating the beauty of the land around us, for sacred self-care. Our offerings are woven with deep intention.

Adornment is a place to come and kneel at the altar of your Self. We will help you honor the unique beauty of YOU, reflected and held by the land and our sisters as witness.

We offer an intentional space filled with love and acceptance. We aim to create a sense of sacredness and intentionality around beauty so that it can be felt deep within ourselves and grow to permeate the collective.

The Adornment Space Is A Place To Come And Learn About The Sacredness Of Self Care in the form of Adorning Our Bodies.


In this space our Adorners may offer haircuts, rituals of hair care, oiling and brushing, braiding, weaving, tattoos and more.

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 Applications for Adornment space are open until March 8th, 2025.

Full Booth for Adorners is $889.00 which includes your ticket.

If you already have a ticket, the price difference is $333.00

Each adornment space is 10×10.  Pop ups are an additional add on.

Please click HERE to see what else your ticket includes.


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Arwyn Moonrise

Arwyn Moonrise is a tattoo artist and embroidery artist working in the Bay Area in California. In all of her mediums the common thread of inspiration is pulled from her deep connection to the natural world, spirit and the cosmos. She does mostly custom work as a way to create sacred adornment through the art of prayer and storytelling for her clients in both ink and thread.

Maya Batki

Maya Batki is an intuitive haircutter, organic salon owner and mother to a teenager in San Rafael California. In 2018, Maya left the salon where she worked for 23 1/2 years to go out on her own and create a beautiful, non-toxic, healing space to do her work. The process of creating an intentional space to work, has shifted her focus into a deep dive into exploring beauty magic. She helps her clients to get present and let go of what’s in the way of who they are becoming. Maya holds a sacred container for release and transformation.

In the years as an independent stylist, Maya has gone to life coaching school, taken Reiki classes and tons of haircutting and razor cutting classes. Maya is forever refining her skills and adding new tools to her tool kit on all levels.

Maya’s deep connection to the natural world informs her work and desire to bring out natural texture in hair. She works with natural products to invite bend and curl that may have been hiding under the weight of length. Her intention with everyone in her chair is to help them feel more like themselves and to embrace their own unique and natural beauty.