Seva Work Exchange

Our Seva (say-va = Selfless Service) are essential to the magic, intention, creation and feel of our gathering.

We are so grateful that so many are called to be in service.

These humans are essential to create this beautiful coming-together of the heart.

Seva Applications are open now until March 23rd, 2025.

Apply here below!

 For specific questions, please email


What is the age requirement to apply?

All potential Seva members must be at least 18 years old to submit an application.

Are there any other requirements?

Each Seva team has its own set of requirements. Be sure to read through the team descriptions and requirements on the application page when choosing which teams to apply to. 

What are the different areas/ crews I can apply for?

When filling out the application, Please choose your top 3 choices for areas in which you thrive.

The Seva hub choices are as following:

Teahouse, Art/Signs, Info Booth, Camp Store , Keiki Camp , Nourishment, Dish Station & Server,  Registration,  Land Vibes,  Compost, Waste Management , Accommodations, Build Team, Break Down Team.

What is the time commitment to be Seva?

The Gathering holds two sessions. Sun session is June 12th-16th and the Moon session is June 19th-23rd. This allows us to accommodate more women and creates a closer sense of community. To apply for the volunteer program, fill out the application for which session you would like to attend.

All Seva members must commit to being on the land for a full six days, this may or may not include your arrival and departure days. (For example, most Sun Session Seva will need to commit to arriving on June 10th or 11th and departing on June 16th or 17th, depending on your crew assignment.)

 All Seva are required to arrive on site by noon on the agreed upon start day. If you have not arrived by 3pm on your start day your position will be forfeited. You will be scheduled in primarily one work area during the gathering, though you might be asked to help in a number of other areas during setup and decorating and during breakdown and cleanup. Therefore, we are looking for applicants who are flexible and willing to do a variety of tasks.

On the skillshare class days, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, your work hours for the day will probably be around 3-6 hours. That should leave space for one class each day, perhaps more. Our vision is to have you be able to take classes and also be in service to the community.

Please understand though that signing up for seva crew does mean missing out on some class time and other group activities. We ask that you trust in receiving what you need from your time at the gathering, letting go of expectations and flowing with what is needed to co-create another beautiful Spirit Weavers Gathering.

I made a mistake on my application. Can I change it?

Unfortunately there is not a way for you to log in and edit your application after you submit it. Any mistakes will need to be fixed manually by the Seva Coordinator, so please please double and triple check your application before you click submit!

When will I know if I have been selected as Seva member?

Applications for Seva become available March 13th and will close by March 23rd. We will notify all applicants of their status by April 12th.

If I am not selected for Seva, can I be added to a waitlist in case someone else needs to cancel?

Yes! You will be asked if you are interested in being on the waitlist in the event you are not selected for Seva on the first go round. Please be sure to check off the box on the application that says you are interested! Additionally if you are added to the waitlist please regularly check your email. If we send you a notification that you are being moved from the waitlist to the Seva team we need to hear back from you within 72 hours. 

What does it mean to be on the waitlist?

If you are not initially selected for Seva, we would love to keep you on the waitlist in case another Seva needs to cancel. If you are interested in staying on the waitlist we will reach out to you if and when another Seva cancels to offer you their position. If at any point you decide you no longer want to be on the waitlist we ask that you email us ASAP at [] so we can remove you.

What are my transportation, parking, and accommodation options?

All Seva are responsible for getting themselves to the gathering by their individual orientation date. Regular car parking and tent camping is included with your ticket, if you would like to car camp ($75 ) or book other accomodations, these are EXTRA tickets and your responsibility to add on.

Can I bring my dog with me?

The only circumstance when you can bring your dog with you to Spirit Weavers Gathering is if your dog is your registered service animal.  Outside of this circumstance, please do not bring your dog.  We will not be able to make exceptions to this. Thank you for understanding.

Can I participate in Seva with my child?

We prefer people in the Seva program attend without kiddos.

We ask all Seva who are attending the gathering with a young child (under 3) to attend with another adult who can reliably watch your child during your committed Seva hours.

If you have children over 3, your child needs to be officially registered in our Keiki or Moon Beam program in order to attend with you. We cannot allow Seva to have their children with them during their Seva shifts, so your child will need to be enrolled in Keiki camp AND have someone to watch over them if you are scheduled for a shift outside of Keiki camp hours (am and pm class hours each day)

When will I know my Seva schedule?

We plan to let all Seva know their arrival and departure dates by mid-late April. Specific schedules will be emailed out two weeks prior to the gathering, but please know the schedules are subject to change and you will receive your final schedule at your Seva orientation. 

Do I have to pay a deposit?

There is a $77 commitment fee for accepted Seva. This covers the cost of your meals during the gathering. When we collect the $77 fee, we will securely store your credit card information. This commitment fee is non-refundable.

In the event that you cancel your commitments late, no show to the gathering or do not fulfill your Seva requirements you may be charged the additional cancellation fee. Make sure to look over the cancellation policy and only apply if you are able to honor your commitments to this role.

What if I need to cancel my position?

If you are accepted as a Seva member and then become unable to attend, please email the Seva Coordinator ( right away so that we can work on refilling your position. Depending on how close to the gathering you cancel you may be charged a cancellation fee. 

Cancellation Policy:

Cancellation before May 1st – No additional charge 

Cancellation after May 1st – $75.00  

Cancellation after May 15th – $90.00

Cancellation after June 1st – $150.00

 Cancellation after June 8th – $577 the full price of a session ticket

*The cancellation policy does not include the Seva Commitment fee. 

What are the cancellation fees?

Our Seva cancellation policy is in place to assure the cohesion of work we do here at the gathering. The policy allows our Seva Coordinators to ensure the flow and equitability of work. Please consider your availability as we approach the Gathering and read the policy carefully.

Cancellation Policy:

Cancellation before May 1st – No charge 

Cancellation after May 1st  – $75.00  

Cancellation after May 15th  – $90.00

Cancellation after June 1st – $150.00

 Cancellation after June 8th  – $577 the full price of a session ticket

*The cancellation policy does not include the application/commitment fee.  The $77  commitment fee is non-refundable.

 Some of our incredible Seva support

Our Seva Coordinator

Victoria (she/they)

Victoria is a warm hearted goofball with mad Virgo skills and a jubilant camp counselor vibe. They love to cackle, be in merry union with others and share knowledge that helps us return to our roots as children of this Earth! They have been studying Western Herbalism and Plant Spirit Medicine for the last decade and feel their connection to the plants is what guides them to walk this life in a loving and nurturing way. Victoria uses their training as a licensed massage therapist, ceremonialist, herbalist, song carrier, and events organizer to create safe spaces in support of others to access deeper layers of their healing. They believe that we all have the right to be Divinely whole and Divinely loved. As a community leader they have dedicated much of their life to helping people feel connected to themselves, to one another and to this beautiful Earth. Victoria feels called to the path of service and is honored to organize the Seva team at Spirit Weavers. They are ecstatic to be a part of this amazing gathering and to help maintain a seamless flow for all to enjoy, dance, heal, and be in sacred connection!


Join Our Seva Team!

  • Before you fill out the application below, please take a moment to read over in entirety our Seva page and frequently asked questions. We ask that you only fill out this application once you understand fully the Seva exchange and expectations. Work trade is hard work! We are looking for proactive, positive and adaptable participants to help us create a fun, safe, and inspiring gathering for all. Please answer the following questions carefully and thoughtfully. Feel free to add anything you think may be especially helpful specifically to Spirit Weavers Gathering. As you navigate the application below you will be asked to choose your top three positions for work trade. Some positions are placed in more than one area to fulfill the 25 hour work trade requirement, please read these descriptions carefully to understand what you are applying for. This year we are requiring all our Seva team to also participate in serving two or more meals during the gathering. These will be worked into your allotted hours. Some teams require Seva to arrive early or stay after the gathering 1-2 days. It's helpful to us if you indicate your availability around these shifts in your application. We look forward to getting to know you! 💖
  • As you navigate through the form fields, please do not use your return or enter button as these will submit the form before you are ready. Instead use the tab button or your mouse to navigate to and from each field. Thank you.
  • Please know that the work trade commitment could be 8 days for one session (9 days for Set Up Team), or 16 days for both. If you work both sessions and remain on the land in between sessions and would like meals there will be an additional $75 charge. (This is for the 3 days in between gatherings and includes 9 meals).
  • Please keep in mind that some roles require hours to be worked during the in between session days. For folks signing up to work both sessions we may ask for you to be available those days.
  • Once you've selected your top choices, choose the corresponding boxes below and tell us about your experience or skillset qualifying you for this team. Each box below has specific details about each team and role - make sure to read over these carefully!
  • Once you've selected your top choices, choose the corresponding boxes below and tell us about your experience or skillset qualifying you for this team. Each box below has specific details about each team and role - make sure to read over these carefully!
  • Once you've selected your top choices, choose the corresponding boxes below and tell us about your experience or skillset qualifying you for this team. Each box below has specific details about each team and role - make sure to read over these carefully!
  • This is a fun and demanding work trade position. We cook for 800 people twice daily, with a lunch served to 200 staff and volunteers. We are looking for Seva who are passionate about feeding and nourishing the Spirit Weavers community. Kitchen Seva are ideally industrious, responsible, and high energy folks who thrive in spaces where there is always something to be done. Kitchen Seva like working in a team environment and do not mind taking direction to reach a shared goal. Community is everything in the Kitchen. Seva will need to be able to stand on their feet for 5-6 hours a day, lift 25-50# multiple times daily and maintain food safety at all times- all while having a sense of urgency, timeliness and ability to effectively communicate. Please have a willingness to wash dishes and experience with food prep and knife skills! You will be required to bring comfortable closed-toed shoes, appropriate clothing (no nudity) in order to cook and prepare the food that nourishes us all. Experience in a professional kitchen is a plus. Due to the demanding nature of this work we have reduced our kitchen Seva hour requirement from 25 to 20. We do need some Seva to help with early arrivals (before Sun Session) and with breakdown (after moon session). Priority will be given to those who can arrive three days early. Please specify if this is you.
  • LV is responsible for many facets of the gathering. Seva on this team will need to arrive several days early for Set up and Decor for the Sun Session. During the gathering this team is responsible for cleaning showers and bathrooms as well as keeping them stocked with supplies. For the Moon session this team will need to stay several days after for breakdown. Please only apply for this position if you have the flexibility in your schedule to arrive early and/or stay after! Additionally we give preference to those applying to Registration who are returning Seva. We are looking for some people who can arrive early AND have experience/ comfortability handling power tools, getting on ladders, working with their hands. Other people will be prioritized to beautify the land and work more hours throughout the gathering. Please specify which of these you are.
  • This position is only available to those who have attended the gathering before. Info Booth is the hub for all questions and guidance. Participants come to the Info Booth to ask questions about classes, locations of things, schedule flow, how to get support or find what they are looking for. Info booth can get very busy and is best suited for those who can multitask well and don't get overwhelmed easily! We are looking for people who have strong communication skills, a lot of patience and an abundance of kindness.
  • Keiki camp is a day program for children at the gathering. If you have experience with children, are patient and enjoy teaching as well as learning from these tiny humans then you may find that this hub is a great fit for you. Creative expression is at the heart of Keiki camp. The ideal candidate is one who loves to support children in their creative learning process. Basic art and craft skills are appreciated. **** Keiki camp is one of our unique positions. You will need to be available for BOTH sessions, no exceptions. This hub requires that you devote one whole session to the Keiki camp. In exchange, you'll have the other session completely free to attend classes and workshops. 🙂
  • Parking is a physically demanding job and you will need to be able to be on your feet for hours at a time! The good news is a good chunk of your hours will be completed on the arrival and departure days of the gathering. Our Sun Session team will need to arrive an extra day early to set up the parking lot and arrange things as necessary and a select number of Seva will need to stay on the last day of the gathering to help with gear shuttling. Parking has two different positions - working the lot which requires standing on your feet for long periods of time and the other is doing gear shuttling which requires heavy lifting. If you have limitations in your ability to meet these requirements then Parking is not a good fit for you. To meet the total hour requirement for SEVA work exchange, additional hours will be assigned in other areas.
  • This is a great team for those who love the Earth and are passionate about the regenerative expressions that compost brings to the soil. The team will work together to create a new compost structure on the land. All food scraps from meals will be picked up by the compost team, driven to the appropriate space and folded back into the Earth. This team is physically demanding and requires heavy lifting. Although this team works hard, it is a lot of fun and very rewarding. Lead by Sibyl, the compost crew is one of the backbones of the gathering and we are so grateful to you all!! Early arrival is required for a handful of folks to set up the compost area before Sun Session and maintaining this area before Moon session begins. Seva will need to arrive prior to the beginning of gathering and we will be looking for several people to work both sessions who can plug hours in during the in between session days.
  • This field is hidden when viewing the form
    Accommodations crew will be working to check people in and out for their yurt and stout tent rentals. This requires a friendly demeanor. The majority of your hours can be fulfilled within the arrival and departure days of the gathering. Please know that the majority of hours will need to be filled on arrival day which will be a long shift and you will miss some of the opening ceremony! To fulfill your remaining hours you will be assigned shifts on the community dish, land vibes or waste management teams.
  • This is a great team for those who are passionate about waste management and keeping the gathering clean. As a team you will gather to remove trash from kitchen and common areas and take to a refuse zone. On the final day of the gathering you will help to load up all remaining and collected garbage to take off site. Some heavy lifting will be required. If all hours are not fulfilled in this hub you will be assigned hours on land vibes or community dish teams. This position does require several hours on the final day of the gathering so please only apply if you have flexibility in your departure schedule!
  • Work within the Nourishment Hub and learn about village health, kitchen safety, and sanitation best practices. This position will work around meal-time to set up sanitary hand washing and dishwashing stations each day. This team will also assist in the Nourishment Hub with food prep. Bring your passion for health, can-do attitude, and a willingness to learn. Successful Health and Safety Seva need to be able to take direction, lift and carry up to 50lbs, be on their feet, and assist where needed. This position will work three daily shifts throughout the gathering and have an orientation/training shift the Wednesday prior to the session.
  • Some Seva will need to arrive early and help set up the Teahouse please let us know if you have the ability to arrive early. Teahouse preference is given to those with some herbal education or background. Please note that the Teahouse opens early and stays open late, these shifts start at 6am and the evening shifts will go into some evening activities. Teahouse is a place of sanctuary. Teahouse Seva will be responsible for blending and brewing large batches of tea throughout the days. Some heavy lifting is required as well as dishes and clean up.
  • If you choose to be added to the waitlist please regularly check your email. If we send you a notification that you are being moved from the waitlist to the Seva team we need to hear back from you within 72 hours.
  • We have a limited number of work trade positions available due to the smaller nature of the gathering. Please understand that we cannot accommodate all applications for the work trade crew. Thank you for your application and interest in being a part of co-creating The Spirit Weavers Gathering. We appreciate you! After you submit your application, you will be redirected to a "Thank You" page. Please do not navigate away from this form until you are automatically directed there to be sure the form is submitted. You should receive a confirmation email within the hour. If you do not, please reapply. Thank you for your understanding and we look forward to gathering with you soon. For all applications submitted before March 23rd we plan to get back to you by April 8th at the latest. If you have not heard back from us by then please reach out to our Seva email. ✨ 🌈 💖 🌿 🙏🏻 🙏🏽 🙏🏾 🙏🏿 🌿 💖 🌈 ✨