2025 Instructors

Our Instructor cancellation policy is in place to assure the cohesion of work we do here at the gathering. The policy allows our team to ensure the flow and equitability of classes. Please consider your availability as we approach the Gathering and read the policy carefully.

Cancellation Policy:

Cancellation before May 1st, 2025 – No charge

Cancellation after May 1st 2025 – $75.00

Cancellation after May 15th 2025 – $90.00

Cancellation after June 1st 2025 – $150.00

Cancellation after June 8th 2025 – $577/388 the full price of a session ticket


Aiyah Geier @crushpadcreamery Sun PT Cheese Making Nourishment
Allison Bagg @abagg Sun PT Science of Sound & Vibrational Medicine Sacred Sounds
Allison Gonzalez @bare.hands.ayurveda Sun PT Ghee Making & Kitchari Nourishment
Amber Young @amberwirth Sun PT Herbs for post birth, Oil Birth & Mothering
Amy Mitchell @lovemamaamy Sun PT Acupuncture circle Women’s Health
Anna Henning @Annaofthemeadow Sun PT Natural Cobb Buildlng tending earth and sky
Annyea Healey @kinweaver Sun FT Frame Loom Weaving and Tending to Livestock Fiber Arts
Ariana Greene @terras_gamos Sun PT Terras Gamos: Earth & Culture Sacred Activism
Ashley Oros Oros mamameta Sun PT Mama Metta-morphosis: Release, Regulate, and Realign Birth and mothering
Brieta Lieder @wildcoremovement Sun PT Wildcore Movement Yoga/Movement
Cass Estes @estescassandra Sun FT Rawhide Rattle Leatherwork
Constanza Leal @somosjadrinsecreto Sun PT Herbalism/Plant spirits Herbalism
Dharmika Henshel @dharmikamusic Sun PT Herb Walk Tending Earth and Sky
Erika Wright @erikawrightcd Sun PT Co-dependancy Counseling Empowerment
Esmeralda Ealy @ritmossagrados Sun FT Light the Alter of your Heart & Altar Tending Ceremony
Gabrielle Cohen @the_postpardum_coach Sun PT Kabbalat Shabbat and Mikveh Spirituality
Gabrielle Wildheart @gabriellewildheart Sun PT Earth Pigments Art
Haiku Rebel @haikurebel Sun PT Quantam Goddess VIibration Therapy empowerment
Harmony Oltman @harmony.eden Sun PT Shibori Dying / Indigo Natural Dyeing
Hélène Bisnaire @Of.the.earth.clothing sun PT Fermentation & Mock Tails Nourishment
Janne (Yana) Campbell N/A Sun PT Parenting & Capacity Birth and mothering
Jessica Klederman @taprootmedicine Sun PT Beginning a Dream Practice & Plant Allies for Dreamtime Empowerment
Karin Gillingham @spentflora Sun PT Mending Fiber Arts
Kelly Tully @Tullys.jewelry SUN FT Silversmithing, Stone setting Adornment
Kumu Farrah Māhealani Linder
@mahealanilinder Sun FT Ho’oponopono, Lei Making, Hawaiian Bracelets Adornment
Lauren Godla @laurengodla Sun PT An Intro to Vertical Dance Yoga/Movement
Maran Bloomingdale @maranbloom Sun PT Felting for Fun Fiber Arts
Mary Sheila Gonnella @occidentalnutrition Sun FT Spice Alchemy & Hormone Harmony Women’s Health
Rosie Hope @rosenhope Sun PT Pine baskets & Spoon Carving Fiber Arts
Samantha Daniels @sammdaniels8 Sun PT Herbal soap making herbalism
Sasha Emoniee @sashaemoniee Sun PT Herb & gardening workshop Tending Earth and Sky
Shannon Tinder @sacredlivingcenter Sun PT Herbal Medicine and practices for Womb Health Womens Health
Shauna Lay @shaunanlay Sun PT Dreaming into Menopause: Using Dreamwork to Vision into Menopause women’s health
Sheila Walsh @purplebeet Sun PT Nutrition through Ancestral Food Nourishment
Stevie Greenwell @steviegreenwell Sun PT Connecting to Song through the Dreamtime sacred sounds
Yvonne Mayshark @bhoomiherbs Sun PT Oils, syrups, salves Herbalism


Ana Jimenez @meetmatri Moon PT Chicha: Lineage of the Corn Woman, Sacred Placenta: Wisdom of your Origin Nourishment
Angela North north @wildbeautyayurveda@gmail.com moon PT Ayurvedic Beauty Rituals Herbalism
Apryl Uncapher @nativewatersystems Moon PT Water Conservation Tending the Earth & Sky
Autumn Freedom-Izdepski @freedomwalrus Moon PT Backyard flocks Nourishment
Beth Coyote N/A Moon PT Grief Birth and Motherhood Birth and Mothering
Choko & Sonoko Yamaguchi @greenlifeholistic Moon FT Intro to Japanese Fermentation & Making Shio-koji Nourishment
Erin Elliot @dachaglasspdx Moon PT Connecting with Light: Stained Glass Suncatcher Art
Gabriela D’Elia @gabrielamushroom Moon PT Fungi as Dark Goddess Tending the Earth & Sky
Grace Flowers @gracethisearth Moon PT Bone Broths Nourishment
Heena Patel @heenaconnects moon PT Circling the Center – Garba Dance Alchemy Dance
Judith Braeger @gratitudenfun Moon FT Death Cafe Spirituality
Katherine Desert @katherine.aileen.dessert Moon PT Craetive Process Mapping Empowerment
Kelsey Mceuen @missmceuen Moon PT Granny Stitch Mug Coozy & Honoring the Placenta Fiber Arts
Larissa Lambrou N/A Moon PT Fishing Nourishment
Laura & Phoebe Whipple @scoutbooks Moon PT Mending circle/ Moon maidens Fiber Arts
Liv Combe @livcombe Moon PT Stepmother Circle Birth and Mothering
Livia Lichtenstein-Hershman @liviazoestudio Moon PT Quilting Fiber Arts
Lydia Staisch @staischi Moon PT Soap Making Herbalism
Marike Van IJssel @IJsselstroom Open FT Felting Fiber Arts
Maya McNeil @maya_mcneil_music Moon PT The Breast and Chest Wellspring women’s health
Renée Camila @LaYerbaBuenaHerbs Moon FT Healing Insecurity plant journey , Seed of Creation: Exploring the Seat of our Power Herbalism
Sam Rosenfeld @sniparoundandfindout Moon PT Quilting Fiber Arts
Sandy Reid @sandysartstudio Moon PT Earth Pigment paint Art
Saoirse Byrne @lineage_of Moon PT Cordage as Adornment + open Cordage Circle Fiber Arts
Sea Ana Maria Kalokomaika’imaikalanimai @pineappletamale moon PT Rod, Stave, and Spear Movement
Stephanie Ben-Ishai N/A Moon PT Money Conversations Empowerment
Uma Serres @umalunaa Moon FT HIde Tanning Leatherwork
Willorna Lara @3Fourths_art Moon PT Intuitive Self Exploration sketch and paint art
Yulia Burova @yuliainnature moon PT Self-care practices according to Your Human Design & Building a Healthy Home Empowerment


Abigail Hinds @whalewombweaving Both PT Squirrel to Soup, Breast Health Nourishment
Ali McWeeny @alimcweeny Both FT Breath Tools for Surthrival, The Fundamentals of Breath & Cold Empowerment
Alix Camp @earth.to.alix Both FT Bead Weaving Adornment
Amanda Rickenback @motherla_nd Both PT Sacred Space Candle Making & Lard Dish Blocks Tending Earth & Sky
Amy Scott @folkinthingsup Both FT Woodworking – intro and intermediate Empowerment
Andrea Moon @wovenoflove Both FT Drum Making Leatherwork
Andrea Bordeaux @andreabordeaux Both FT Selfless Bitch empowerment
Arwyn Moonrise @township31 both PT Embroidery Fiber Arts
Baelyn Elspeth @allmattersofspirit Both FT The Way of tea Ceremony
Cameron Green @willowbrookorganics Both FT Buckskin Bags Leatherwork
Cassandra Juniohant @cassandra_juniphant Both PT The Body Ministry Empowerment
Drea Moore @soberherbalist Both PT Witches Brew, Bohemian Bitters Herbalism
Fatima Genese Fleming @seaponycouture Both PT River rock Jewelry Adornment
Hannah Jermstad @wholistic_motherhood Both PT Motherhood: The Good, The Bad, and The Holy Birth + Mothering
Hossana White @Whitesnake.arts Both FT Earthenware Pottery tending Earth & Sky
Jaguar Womban @jaguarwomban Both PT Womb steam womens health
Josie Casteneda @curanderaremedies Both FT Latine Herbalism & Cacao Ceremony Ceremony
Joy McEwen @diggin_livin_farm_and_apairies Both FT Apitherapy and Natural Beekeeping tending the earth and sky
KK Labia @kklabia Both PT Animal Processing Nourishment
Kumu Anna Liza @kumuperpetuatehula Both FT Lei Making, Vegus Nerve, Oli Hawaiian Chanting Adornment
Laura Lopez de Halter Both FT Traditional Loom Weaving Fabric Arts
Lauralina Melindez @Ta_ma_po_la Both FT Rag Doll/ and radical parenting Fiber Arts
Lena Eastes @earthpatheducation Both PT Rights of Passage Empowerment
Lexy Baron @fartherside Both FT Whisk Broom & Full Broom Fiber Arts
Liat Aharoni @liat.a Both FT Empowered Photography Empowerment
Lily Chau @Lilbitobliss Both FT Plant dye class Natural Dyeing
May Salem @nativesol Both PT Wire wrapping Jewelry Adornment
Mikhel Neshat @wayfinderarchery Both FT Archery empowerment
Miriam Grace @hearthfire Both FT Fire Courting Tending Earth & Sky
Misty Spinney @tiffanyjanay Both PT Natural birth control: Cycle Tracking and Semen Retention womens health
Misty McBride @wisebirthmama Both PT Herbasexuals: Awakening the Inner Aphrodite, Mothering the Mother Birth + Mothering
Moorea Masa @mooreamasa Both PT Pasta Making Nourishment
Natasha Pachalove @natashapachalove Both FT Honoring Our Unborn Children ceremony
Nico Gerber @_nico_gerber_ Both PT Embodied Poetry Art
Nila Chandra @wolfboneemporium Both PT Incense Making Herbalism
Noelani Love @noelanilove Both FT Vocal Awakening Sacred Sounds
Olivia Joel @Theoliviajol Both PT Tallow cream Herbalism
Paola Wong @Paolasantohempress Both PT Yemaya dance prayer, African Orisha deities ceremony
Sarah Mclean-Bicknel @grandmother_sarah Both PT Healing Matriarical Lineage, Dreamtime Ceremony
Sarah Knapp @sarah___knapp Both Open Ancestor Essence ceremony
Shekinah Blu Sophia @blustarrcollective144@gmail.com Both FT Mama Bear Lodge Bodywork position Birth + Mothering
Shele Jessee @_hollowbone_ Both FT Intuitive Leather Sandles Leatherwork
Sienna Orlando-Lalaguna @siennaceramics Sun PT Gardening for life tending Earth & Sky
Staci Ivory @stacivory Both FT TBD Spirituality
Star Gazer Li @stargazer.li Both FT Star Gazing, Essense taking Tending Earth & Sky
Sweet Medicine @sweetmedicinenation Both FT Cutting the Cord Ceremony
Tamara Wilder @wilder_tamara Both FT TBD
Fiber Arts, Tending Earth & Sky
Tamu Mosley @holisticshine Both, Sun FT Perimenopause, Knitting , natural facials womens health
Tiffany Janay @tiffanyjanay Both PT Natural birth control: Cycle Tracking and Semen Retention womens health
TY Bramwell @ebbandflowbyty Both PT Bundle Dying Natural Dyeing
Victoria Madruga @victoria._.dawn Both PT Herbs for nerves Herbalism